In general, women as a group were younger than male faculty. Women are more recent entrants into academia than men, therefore women’s representation among academic faculty was conditioned not only on the number of new Ph. D.s being granted to women, but also on the initial age and sex composition of faculty members and changes […]
Numerous factors have been used in the past to assess the status of male and female faculty in their careers. Characteristics that are often explored, aside from gender, are age, marital and family status, citizenship, field of study, educational experience (including highest degree and doctorate-granting institution), and employment experience (including number and types of previous […]
Limitations of Cross-Sectional Data Sources
Four major limitations to these types of cross-sectional data sources should be noted. First, although the academic career pathway is a longitudinal process, much of the data available cannot follow the same individual over a long period of time. Some faculty are surveyed in more than one SDR, but the SDR is not a panel […]
Studies by Individual Researchers
Many scholars and researchers have carried out studies either using some of the national data sets or by collecting new information from surveys of faculty. As of 2004, there was a rich body of literature comparing various outcomes in the academic workforce by gender, focusing on a variety of factors: • Salary (e. g., Barbezat, […]
Institutional Studies
Individual universities and colleges have often conducted institutional research on salary, climate, or gender equity. One of the more well-known, but certainly not the first, gender equity studies was conducted by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1999. In recent years, more and more schools have conducted standalone gender equity reports.[112] Such reports typically […]
A survey of the literature uncovered many books and articles examining gender in academia, most of which examined gender issues either at the institutional or the individual level. Institutional factors focused on structures, processes, and policies, or the way institutions, departments, and faculty collectively functioned. Individual factors focused on characteristics of faculty members themselves. Many […]
Previous Research on Factors Contributing to. Gender Differences Among Faculty
This appendix describes research on women in academic science engineering that provided a framework for the development of the 2004 and 2005 faculty and departmental surveys. Drawing primarily on studies conducted by individual institutions and the analyses of individual researchers, the research results suggested several possible reasons why women continued to represent a small segment […]
Women were less likely to occupy senior positions in academia than men. Using the SDR, the committee examined rank by comparing the gender of faculty who were assistant, associate, and full professors, by academic discipline separately. Figure A2-12 shows the following results: • Women comprised over 50 percent of all full professors in health sciences, […]
Tenure Status
How likely were women to be granted tenure? Using the SDR, we examined tenure status by gender by comparing faculty with tenure to faculty who were untenured but on the tenure-track, considering each academic discipline separately. As Figure A2-10 shows, the percentage of women among tenured faculty appeared to be growing in 1995-2003 in all […]
Distribution by Institution Type
In this section, we focus on doctoral scientists and engineers who were employed at Research I institutions, consisting of institutions that “offer a full range of baccalaureate programs, are committed to graduate education through the doctorate degree, and give high priority to research. They award 50 or more doctoral degrees each year. In addition, they […]