Professional societies in science and engineering disciplines should:
9. Collect data on the career tracks of their members. This study identified many differences among disciplines that warrant investigation. Why, for example, do biology and chemistry have disproportionately smaller applicant pools of women for faculty positions? (Finding 3-3) And why are women in electrical engineering and mathematics more likely than men to receive outside job offers, while the reverse is true for chemistry and physics? (Finding 4-15)
10. Disseminate successful strategies to increase the gender diversity of the applicant pools for tenure-track and tenured faculty positions. Only 10
percent of departments reported relying on three or more strategies for recruitment. (Table 3-10)
11. Conduct in-depth surveys of their members at regular intervals on the climate for professional success and the role of mentoring in their discipline. (Findings 4-6, 4-7, and 4-12)