Section B: Tenure Process
Section В: Tenure Process
Plwse answer (tie toll owing questions tor each faculty member who was considered for tenure during 2002-00 and 2903-0* It you considered more than tour faculty members, phase copy this page and attach the additional sheett’sl.
Year of Decision
□ 2002-03 □ 2003-04
The faculty member being considered was
□ Male П Female
Tenure was
П Granted □ Nutgruraeti
Number of Tenure Committee members
_______ Males _________ Femalea
The committee chair was
Male □ Female
Continue to page 4.
Section C: Promotions to Full Professor
Cl. At your university, which steps яге pert at the C2, During the two previous academic years (2002-03 and
formal procedure for promoting faculty to full 2003-04), were any faculty inVOiir department
professor? Chech all that apply considered for promotion to full professor?
□ tellers are sofldHad by the department,
□ Letters are sol Idled by a COfTMTillloe outside tbu department
D Department гпвкеэ а гвсотгтчкиШоп
□ Dean reviews and makes rerwimneuUaton,
□ School or college raimmittee reviews and makes
reoom mandat і on,
□ University committee reviews and makes rocomm&ndal’On
П President or Provosl reviews amt makes focjommenaauon
П Ollier siep(s)
□ No
□ VeS
L — How meny In 2002-03?
How ninny in 2003-04V
Year of Decision |
□ 2002-03 |
□ 2003-04 |
The faculty member being considered was |
□ Male |
□ Female |
Promotion to full professor was |
□ Granted |
□ Not granted |
Number of Promotion Committee members |
Th* committee chair was |
□ Mule |
□ I-ornate |
Year of Decision |
О 2002-03 |
□ 2003-04 |
The faculty member being considered was |
□ Male |
P Female |
Promotion to full prefees or was |
□ Gran led |
П Not granted |
Number of Promotion Committee members |
The committee chair was |
□ Male |
□ Female |
Section D, Hiring and Recruitment
01-In addition to your department’s procedure», which step» outsido vour department arc part of the formal procedure tor hiring tenured or tenure-track faculty? Chock alt that apply.
□ Search committee Includes members from outside tho department
П веіоге interviewing mere t& a review of candidates toy the Dean or by a committee external to the dent
D Institutional funds d№ nwde available for the search
П Doan approves hiring recommendation
□ Other stepls)
02 What steps Of any) has your department or
institution taken to increase the gender diversity of your candidate pod?
D3 During (he two previous academic yearn (2002-0.1 and 2003-04), did your department recruit any new tenured or tenure-track faculty?
a no □ Yes
♦ How many In 2002-03? How many m 2003-04?
tf you ratv uited tor at /east one tenured or tenure-trac* position during 2002-03 and 2003-lW, please complete the following questions for each recruitment
Space for additional recruitments is on pages C and 7. tf you recruited tor more than four total positions, please copy page 6 and attach the additional sheet! si
If you did not recruit any faculty during 2002-03 and 2003-04. skip to page 7
Year of recruitment □ 2002-03 □ 2С0ЭНМ
Search was. initialed as
□ Tenured
D Tетил»-track
Number of applicants or candidates for tho position (estimate)
Total….. ….. ……………
MhI«S. t.M. iM,, ■
Females__ _______
Don’t Know. ——————- “—
Number of applicants interviewed on campus Total
Male»…… …. ……………
Females……….. ……………
First offer was made to. — DA make □ A femme
Was someone hired?
□ Ves, into л tenured position
P Yes, Into я tenure-track position О Yes, into a temporary position О No
Who was hired? D ^ male 0 A female
New faculty member’s research is.
□ Theorebcal
□ Experimental orapplind
□ Other
New faculty member’s start-up package was (exclusive of renovations)…
$ _______________
Number of Search Committee members
— -■ Mates ——————————— Furcates
The committee chair was
□ Male G Femalu
Participation In this survey № voluntary. If you participate, your response will be kept confidential:
• Contact information will bo used only tor follow-up purposes. Ho Information from your response that could be used to discern your identity or how you responded to any survey question will ho made available to anyone nrU Involved in the collection and compilation of survey resulta
• When data collection and compilation has been completed, all information in your response that could be used to diacorn your Identity or how you responded to any survey question will be destroyed.
• Your response will be compiled with the responses from other survey participants. Only aggregated information that cannot be used to discern the identity of any survey participant or how they responded № any survey question will be used m any report or presentation concerning the survey Or made available to tho public.
2004-05 Faculty Questionnaire
* Participation is voluntary and all responses will be kept confidential.
* Your name wifi NOT be associated with your answers, and identifying information will be removed.
* Full explanation of confidentiality.
A1. What is your current rank at this institution?
.’ Full Professor, Associate Professor
. Assistant Professor
Research Professor Other
A2. As of the Fall 2004 term, were you employed full-time or part-time at this institution?
-‘ Full-time Part-time
A3. What date were you hired by this institution?
| Choose One Month }i Year
A4. What is your highest degree?
‘ PhD Other
A5. When did you receive your highest degree?
| Choose Оле Month ) Year
AS, For engineering faculty only: Do you hold a P. E,? ‘ Wo 1 Yes
A7. What is yovir current tenure status? Tenured Tenure-track Wot on tenure track
Yes ‘ No
If no, when were you granted tenure at this institution?
Choose One Month Year
• if you have tenure, please answer about the time before you bad tenure.
‘ No Yes
If yes, how often cloy did you interact with this mentor?
. Very frequently
Somewhat frequently Somewhat infrequently Very infrequently. Never
C2. Were you ever a postdoctoral fellow?
.[101] [102] Yes
If yes, for how many years?
ІГ yes, what was your rank when you weie hiied?
Associate Professor. Assistant Professor. Research Faculty or Staff Visiting Professor. Other j
Please tell us about your proinotion(s) at this institution.
Date of promotion |
Date of promotion |
Choose One Month j Year New rank: |
| Choose One Month Year New rank: |
і |
Date of promotion |
Date of promotion |
Choose One Month і Year New rank: |
| Choose One Month Year New rank: |
f |
02. is your research primarily…
Mathematics Faculty Only Faculty in All Other Disciplines
Pure Theoretical
Applied Expenmental
Other 1 Other
How many articles in refereed journals have you published since November 2002? • Include only articles that have been accepted for publication.
Number sole-authored Number co-authored
How many papers in refereed conference proceedinos have you had accepted since November 2002? • Include only papers that were refereed.
Number sole-authored Number co-authored
D4. Have you been nominated by your current department or institution for any international or national prizes or awards?
: No
" Yes
If yes, please give the dates of your three most recent nominations.
D5, Approximately how much lab space do you have at this institution? Square feet О N/A
D6. Do you work with others at this institution on a research team? No Yes
if yes, approximately how many people work or your primary research team? * Include only those at your institution.
Tenured or tenure-track faculty more senior than you
Tenured or tenure-track facuity more junior than you
Research faculty or staff
Graduate students
07. Do you have access to equipment that you need to conduct your research?
Yes, I have everything I need.
I have most of what I reed.
I do not have access to major pieces of equipment that I need for my research. N/A
D8. Do you have access to clerical support that you need for your teaching and research?
Yes, I have access to all the ctencal support | need.
Yes, I have access to some ctencal support, but could use more. No. I do not have access to clerical support.
09. How many of the following do you directly supervise this semester or term?
Graduate research assistants Graduate teaching assistants
Postdocs Ц N/A (do not have postdocs in this field)
D10. What is the total dollar amount of the research grants on which you served as Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator during the 2004-05 academic year?
• Include only direct costs for academic year 2004-05.
$ I.00
D11. During this semester or term, how many individuals at this institution other than yourself are supported by all the grams on which you were PI or Co-PI?
• Include students, postdocs, faculty and support staff
Number of individuals (do not include yourself)
D12. During this semester or term, how many classes are you teaching?
Undergraduate classes Graduate classes
if you are teaching classes, how many different preparations do these classes represent?
Number of preparations
if you are teaching classes, approximately how many students do you have in your classes this semester or term? Undergraduates Graduates
D13. During the last five years, has your teaching load been reduced because of grant funding that you received? 1 No. Yes
D14-. What is your base salary at this institution? $ .00 Over… 9-10 months
11-12 months
17. During the current semester or term, on how many undergraduate thesis or honors committees did you serve at this institution?
I served on I chaired
18. During the current semester or term, on how many graduate thesis or honors committees did you serve at this institution?
I served on I chaired
19. For the current semester or term, what proportion of your time did you spend on each activity? Write a percentage on each line. Give your best estimate, (f none, write in "0",
% Teaching and advising undergraduate students % Teaching and advising graduate students % Research or scholarship % Seeking funding % Administration or committee work % Service outside the university % Outside consulting % Other. I Totai
interaction with other faculty members
interaction with administration
Climate in the department
Personal life
Family obligations
022. Are you considering leaving or retiring from your current institution?
No. I am not considering leaving or retiring
Yesr dunng this academic year
Yes, durrng the next academic year (2005-06)
Yes, some time after the next academic year
If yes, which of the following would be factors in your decision?
Yes No
Promotion opportunities Concerns about tenure Planning to retire Funding opportunities Family-related reasons Job location Collegiaiity of faculty
Yes No
Reputation of department or university
Quality of research facilities
Access to research facilities
Opportunities for research collaboration
Desire to build or lead a new program or area of research
Teaching and advising
Pressure to publish
Start-up package
Personal health
E1, When you were first hired at this institution, how much were you given in start-up funds?
.00 For equipment
.00 For renovation of lab space
qq For staff, including postdocs
" and research associates
.00 For other
.00 Total
E2, When you were first hired at this institution, were you given lab space? No
. Yes, I was given the same amount of space I have now.
■ Yes, but I have more lab space now than I did then.
‘ Yes, but I have less lab space now than I did then.
1 N/A
E3, How many graduate students, postdocs, and research faculty or staff who were funded by the department or university did your start-up package include?
■ Do not include graduate students., postdocs, or research faculty or staff that you funded on a grant on which you were the PI or Co-PI,
Graduate research assistants ] or none
Postdocs О or none
Research faculty or staff ГП or none
E4. When you were first hired at this institution, were you given access to equipment that you needed to conduct your research?
• Do not include equipment that you funded from grants on which you were the PI or Co-PI.
Yes, I was given access to ail the equipment I needed.
Yes, I was given access to some of the equipment I needed.
‘ No. I was not given access to equipment that I needed.
.1 N/A
E5, When you were first hired at this institution, were you given the following items?
• Do not include items that you funded from grants on which you were the Pi or Co-Pi. Yes No
Travel’funds Summer salary Moving expenses
E6, When you were first hired at this institution, were you given a reduced teaching load?
No . Yes
If yes, how long was your teaching load reduced?
Number of. Semesters. Quarters
E7. What were your main considerations in deciding to work for your current institution?
Yes No
Promotion opportunities •
Start-up package
Funding opportunities
Family-related reasons
Job location
Collegiality of faculty
Reputation of department or university
Quality of research facilities
Access to research facilities
Opportunities for research collaboration
Desire to build or lead a new program or area of research
This was the only offer I received
FI. Are you.., Male Female
F2. What was your marital status in the Fall 2004 semester or term?
Single, divorced, widowed, or separated Married or in a marriage-like relationship
• If married or in a marriage-like relationship, please answer the following questions.
Outing the Fall 2004 term, was your spouse or significant other employed in a professional position at a college, university, or affiliated research institute?
Did your institution assist in finding your spouse or significant other employment?
During the Fall 2004 term, did you and your spouse or significant other maintain separate households because of employment?
F3. If you have children, please tell us how many you have…
F4. Do you have dependent children who live with you most of the time?
F5. Are you primarily responsible for the care of relatives other than children?
F6. Does your institution offer on-site child care?
Don’t know
F7. Since receiving your highest degree, how many years did you spend employed outside academia?
“ Years
i-8 Since receiving your highest degree, how long did you spend no! employed? Months I Years