«There were all of us the people, children of a family labor …», – vigorously sang the Soviet workers on May Day and November demonstrations in which many participated "for soul", and district committees Communist Party committees unostentatiously hinted the rests that «action political, awfully important and is better to you, children, geese not to tease and take the most active part!» Went «, took part», then «accepted on a breast» and celebrations passed not too state boringly.
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Then very clever people explained to us that 70 years we went, to put it mildly, not to that party, «which most correct», and we without a special regret дружненько curtailed kumachovy flags, banners with inscriptions «Glory of CPSU!» also it is proud uplifted over the country flags and banners of other flowers. And as to long for heroic Communards and commissioners it be not become simply indecent, but sometimes and dangerously, we with touching warmth and tenderness amicably started to remember and regret for «Russia which we lost». Russia in which shining кавалергарды caracoled on parades ground, elegant ladies in air, improbable beauty dresses danced with magnificent hussars a mazourka, and around, naturally, sparkling parquets, candles, brilliants, fans and champagne "widow Kliko". All were rich, happy, Russia «fed all Europe with bread and oil» and evenings in it were certainly delightful.
«Eh, житуха was! And these коммуняки ruined everything …» – our intellectuals and the people were distressed it is simpler, having amicably remembered the «noble, noble blood». Someone rushed to study "family tree", someone began resolute fight for return of the plants-palaces-steamships which have been selected at great-grandfathers by spiteful and greedy commissioners, and someone, without philosophizing crafty, at all simply bought the "present" certificates on a high origin.
And at whom whether conscience it appeared more, whether the imagination are poorer, declared itself descendants «the real Cossacks», and crowds of ryazheny "Cossack captains" with obscure crosses and "bronzuletka" on valiant breasts through towns and villages went on a spree. Beautifully, even somewhere it is patriotic, but, dear "misters" in shabby bast shoes, whether it is necessary to be distressed so on that Russia mother which the majority of you – sorry, sorry, from us – never and did not have?
«And what was?» – it is puzzled and even slightly the young Russian who is already trying on in sweet dreams red hussar ментик the imagined ancestor with insult will ask. And there was that we, many years diligently deducing in questionnaires «from workers, peasants and employees», now as diligently forget. What fathers and mothers could brag of a high noble origin, our grandfathers practically «exhausted as a class», that is shot «in ChK cellars», ruined in civil war, let rot in camps, and the remains of «color of Russian nation» attained the age far from the Homeland. Terribly, cruelly, but «game conditions» were that, and won those years the strongest – the simple people to which "zolotopogonnik" already very long time ago, to put it mildly, were not nice.
And from what it is the man so on misters got angry? Whether and because that there lived the man in a close kurny izbenka with a straw roof and an earth floor, with all children and members of household the-tenth, and during cold time and with cattle together; plowed-sowed, starved, the word "kerosene" did not know, candles saw only in church, and the kind barin of lackeys of second on a stable to death moreover and traded in them as cattle. Inventions, «red promotion»? Misters, count classics! «Children of a vault» Korolenko «, Guttaperchivy the boy» Grigorovich, same "Vanka Zhukov" of Chekhov and many other books telling about a "happy" share of the simple people at the father tsar.
It from surplus of happiness and from full idleness Vanka Zhukov wrote the well-known letter «on the village to the grandfather»: «Dear grandfather, Konstantin Makarovich! Make bozhetsky favor – take away me from here!», Certainly, cunning communists forced Nekrasov to write it: «Whose is groan is distributed over the great Russian river? This groan of songs at us is called …» Turgenev speaking «how not to run into despair at the sight of what is made at home?!», wrote precisely from dictation of artful Ulyanov-Lenin. And words of other classic: «There were worse times, but was not more meanly!» – are written long before «October revolution»… Yes, Nikita of Tolstoi had a happy childhood in the cozy noble estate, but to the majority got more than Vanki Zhukov’s severe fate!
So to misters Radzinsky, Mikhalkov and many other sometimes it would be necessary not only to sing «of greatness of former Russia, sovereigns-emperors and the nobility», but sometimes and to remember that all thrones kept after all on rustic shoulders. And also that free education to make an outstanding career and many other not less pleasant things they received possibility not from the father tsar, and from «the damned Soviet power» which they as it appeared, all life silently, but furiously hated! Our new dvoryanchik, still yesterday it is proud sporting of party-membership cards and singing from tribunes of «wise and dear Leonid Ilyich». Буржуйчики let and new, but still «their circle is narrow and they are terribly far from the people» …
It is bad to be «иванами, not remembering relationship», but, it appears, to be ashamed of the "simple" origin and a crow рядиться in peacock feathers even more silly and more ridiculously. And any maiden who is languidly rolling up charming eyes and dreaming to appear in brilliant Petersburg the XIX century, it is necessary to be more careful with dreams and a time machine – after all there were in those days not only noisy balls on palace parquets, and and close human log huts for the simple people and absolutely gloomy stables, where lackeys deprived of civil rights mercilessly секли whips. And maids domestic a time had at all a boring destiny …
And if it is serious, we absolutely ugly treat own history. We do not know and we do not want the nobility not only history of the great country, we and often have very foggy idea of history of own village and a family. Who from us can list surely the ancestors let not to the seventh, and at least to the fourth knee? It is thought, the majority already at level of grandfathers and grandmas will start to be confused – and it is very sad.
In times far now noble misters and people it is simpler, from generation to generation transferred oral and written legends about greatness and nice affairs of the dear ancestors. To something we could at them and learn. To take, for example, a tetradochka and without hurrying up to write down for the children and grandsons everything that we know and we remember the roots. Then today’s young descendants of those who took to the forty fifth Berlin, can distinctly answer an unpretentious question, maybe: «And your grandfather was whom?» And we, I hope, we will be equally proud both shining kavalergardy, and the modest teacher of a provincial gymnasium, and the simple peasant in lime bast shoes – all our nice ancestors, work and which feats got stronger and хорошела the power Russian …