Рубрика: Feminism, Sexuality, and Politics


The roots of feminism in democratic political theory, the first element in this framework, have long been recognized by historians. Since at least the eighteenth century, the shift from hierarchical rule by elites to representative government — based on the theory of the natural rights of man — has in­spired demands for self-representation and full […]

I Small Group Pedagogy Consciousness Raising in Conservative Times

This essay applies some of the historical lessons about feminism to teaching. Long before the consciousness-raising groups of second-wave feminism, women relied on personal networks and separate organizations to support the work of transforming society. In teaching “Introduction to Feminist Studies,”I sought to have the students, both male and female, rely on each other’s insights […]

The Political Legacy

The separate institution building of the late nineteenth century rested on a belief in women’s unique identity that had roots in the private female sphere of the early nineteenth century. Increasingly, however, as its participants entered a public female world, they adopted the more radical stance of femi­nists such as Stanton and Anthony who had […]

Historical Roots of Separatism

In nineteenth-century America, commercial and industrial growth intensi­fied the sexual division of labor, encouraging the separation of men’s and women’s spheres. While white males entered the public world of wage labor, business, the professions, and politics, most white middle-class women re­mained at home, where they provided the domestic, maternal, and spiritual care for their families […]