‘Is multiculturalism bad for women?’ The challenge for feminism and family law

This chapter does not try to answer the question ‘Is multiculturalism bad for women?’ Instead, it explores the implications of this debate for feminist theory and family law. Recent developments confirm that feminists working in the area of family law need to take this issue seriously. Legal problems arise in areas such as divorce and […]

Multiculturalism and the politics of difference

One aspect of our contemporary reality to which feminists must now respond is multiculturalism. Increasingly, our societies are comprised of a great diversity of races, cultures and religions. This ‘factual multiculturalism’ is undisputed. What is more controversial is the normative claim that such diversity is a good thing and, more significantly, the demand that these […]

‘The Branch on Which We Sit’: Multiculturalism, Minority Women and Family Law

Maleiha Malik Feminism’s outstanding contribution as an ideology and a political movement has been its insistence that theory and practice are intimately connected. Theory mat­ters: not only because it can influence the way women are treated but also — and crucially — because it can influence women’s self-understanding. Yet, at the same time, thoughtful feminist […]