Syrodeliye – the ancient art known in Europe of about 6 000 years. The well-known Cyclops from Homer’s Odyssey cooked cheese, allegedly feta, from sheep milk. The hero wins a giant the Moldavian and Huzul fairy tales, having squeezed out water from sheep cheese, as from a stone. And the most ancient sample of cheese is found at excavation in China in the Takla Makan Desert, the sample is dated for 1980-1450 B.C.
I am the big fan of cheese, always with interest I try new grades. And "house" cheeses – sheep cheese, Adygea, сулугуни, – in my opinion, the most tasty and universal. Are perfectly combined with greens, the Armenian or Georgian unleavened wheat cake, approach to various dishes and drinks. They are available, I buy them in the market from farmers. Why to the modern city dweller to master ancient art a syrodeliya? After all everything is in the market!
First, a syrovareniye – creative process. It is possible to make the, "author’s" or family cheese, ideal on salinity, sweet, a sharpness and additives.
Secondly, it is possible (surely observing safety measures!) to cook cheese together with children. To them will be interestingly and to look informatively at transformation of watery milk into dense cheese, as in the Odyssey or the fairy tale about a giant!
Thirdly, it is pleasant to enjoy the live product made the hands: delights of judges to you are provided!
How to make cottage cheese in usual city kitchen, with a usual set of products and kitchen stock?
I found some popular recipes in the Internet, I will tell about what brought me the desirablest result. Houses I cook cottage soft cheese with greens and slices of vegetables. Advantages of the recipe: cheese turns out tasty, does not demand some special ferments, enzymes, smart processes and to that similar. Technology of preparation – practically as at house cottage cheese.
From stock it is required to us: a pan on 3,5 liters, a colander, one more pan or a deep bowl, a ladle, something for oppression, a gauze in two layers or other leaky fabric, about 50х50 see Besides, are desirable a nimbus and a silicone shovel.
Products: 2 l of house milk, house sour cream – 100 ml, qualitative sour cream from shop of 20 % of fat content – 200 ml, 6 large eggs, on one tablespoon of sugar and salt, seasoning for first courses – at will, it contains in a dried look garlic, herbs, greens, slices of carrots and pepper sweet.
In Internet publications recommend to take 400 ml of sour cream, but it gives big fat content of finished goods. It would be interesting to replace spices with vanilla, dried apricots slices with raisin or a chocolate crumb but while I did not decide on such experiments.
By the way, products for the first time it is possible to knit half less, an exit of ready cheese from two liters of milk – about 650 grams. Bonus: 1,6 liters of serum for pancakes and okroshka.
Preparation. Farther everything simply. Milk in a big pan we lead up to boiling. Eggs it is checked, breaking on one in пиалу and then adding to sour cream. All eggs, salt, sugar, sour cream it is carefully mixed in a bowl by a nimbus to a condition of homogeneous kremoobrazny weight. It is important, as egg whites can separately be curtailed and spoil a product structure.
In milk boiling on weak fire we pour out it is swept away — an egg mix, stirring slowly, we lead up to boiling, without allowing to stick to a bottom. We cook some minutes. When flakes of the curtailed cheese weight will reach the size of 3-5 mm, but not earlier, it is possible to switch off fire, to add spices. If want to experiment a chocolate crumb, I will assume that she should be added in slightly cooled down weight cast away on a gauze, previously having taken the crushed chocolate in a deep freeze.
The colander is dimmed by a gauze so that the ends hanged down along the edges, we put in a bowl and by means of a ladle we pour out in it in the portions our cheese weight, let’s to serum flow down. When we will filter all contents of a pan, we wrap gauze edges up, we cover with a plate of smaller diameter and we put from above oppression. We leave weight in a colander as serum will still separate, let cools down at room temperature. In 2-3 hours it is necessary to clean the cooled-down cheese in a colander in the refrigerator, in 12 hours we remove oppression, we clean a gauze and we spread cheese in pure deep ware with a cover.
Cheese is ready to the use, but it is better to wait even days. Taste of cheese turns out creamy, expressed, a consistence soft, a structure gentle. If to cook cheese weight more long and to keep under oppression long enough, about days, the consistence of cheese will turn out more densely and more chilly.
Let’s sum up: in 30-40 minutes it is possible to cook cottage cheese in usual city kitchen, from usual products and with usual ware. Be reserved by patience, wait, when flakes will well separate from serum and become large, differently can it will not turn out. It is not necessary to be afraid of use of eggs, the product passes sufficient thermal processing. Ready cheese is stored in the refrigerator of 7-8 days.
All of successful cheese creativity!