Ideal diet — what it?

Having analysed kind two tens (both network, and scientific, and absolutely glamour) the references devoted to diets, the author modestly tried to allocate a certain general rational link in these diets. And here – results. Ideal diet - what it?

First, all diets can be divided into some big groups, in everyone in which head the most different principles are put. So, one after another.

1. Diets for various professions and professional groups (different types of sports and work).

At the center it is usually put калораж in pure form and prevalence of these or those food substances (at all products!). For example, athletes – protein, workers of hot shops – plentiful salty drink, tourists – canned food and concentrates, including chocolate and dried fruits. For example, during my service the flight ration made 4600 kilocalories per day (!!!), surely for a breakfast – chocolate and milk and as a whole a breakfast made about 50 % of a diet …

2. Diets for treatment of various diseases (tuberculosis, diabetes and so on).

Main here – at all quantity of calories (though at tuberculosis and a burn illness – it is important), and structure (set) of products and a way of their preparation. For example, it is clear that at diabetes it is limited sweet in all types and carbohydrates. At an exacerbation of stomach ulcer marinades are excluded fried, sharp, salty, smoked. It is recommended boiled (including on pair), wiped, stewed. And how many dishes from banal chicken, oceanic fish or rice it is possible to prepare so! And how many different tasty porridges? And here a baraninka in any kind – dismiss! Laziness to read? Then listen!

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3. Diets for weight reduction.

Conversation special. Distinctive properties, probably, not less than seven. One after another:
— Frequent domination of any product or group: vegetables and fruit, sour-milk, boiled rice and so on.
— Usually small portions of food.
— A choice of the most useful garnish (boiled vegetables in a vodichka instead of French fries, salad with the refined oil, instead of 20 % sour cream or mayonnaise).
— A little fried (all is fried on fat!).
— A little fat as a whole (fat from where in general undertakes???).
— It is not enough sugar and sweet (as biochemical forerunners of the same fats).
— Restrictions in farinaceous food or fantastic (a slice otrubny in day or biscuit in the morning), or them at all are not present. Generally speaking to transfer carbohydrates to fat – the considerable quantity of energy is required! And the author is more – the supporter of the second option.
— A combination to certain number of physical activities (is more it will want!).
More exotic recommendations, but about them – not in this article meet also. And the author treats excess weight hypnosis, but without separating these two contrasts, and connecting them in integral. Simply for unconscious to "grow thin" – to become bad, and to grow stout – to "become kinder", and everything is told by it …

4. Razguzochno-diyetichesky days.

Usually one-two day of the massed use of any one product for the purpose of improvement or weight reduction (apples, cottage cheese, kefir). Long usually do not happen. But demand a certain regularity (once a month, week and so on). Remind the cut-down, kratkovremenenny sekulyarizovanny post (in civil option).

And the main thing in all notorious diets – a system of performance and in it, probably, their main "counter" And what you think about it, dear reader?]

Updated: 12.10.2015 — 14:16