Early Feminism and Sexual Radicalism

(pp. 24-6). On the origins of liberal feminism see Martin (1972) and Rosenberg (1982). The view of Sade as a sexual radical is debatable; justification can be found in Carter (1979) and Thomas (1976). On early socialist feminism see Taylor (1983).

Sexology and Psychoanalysis

(pp. 27-8). Weeks (1985) gives an excellent summary of the history of sexology. His Coming Out (1977) is fundamental to the history of homosexual movements. For the bases of my interpretation of psychoan­alysis see ‘Dr Freud and the course of history’ in Connell (1983). For the encounter with the Left and with anthropology see Robinson (1972).

Socialist Feminism

(pp. 28-9). For the general story see Rowbotham (1974). Conditions of women’s unionization are explored in exceptional detail for the city of Hamburg by Dasey (1985). On the strength of the women’s movement in turn-of-the-century socialism see Dancis (1976) on the United States. Its impact in the Russian Revolution can be traced in the writings of Kollontai (1977). Orwell’s famous sneer is in The Road to Wigan Pier, (1962), p. 152.

Academic Theorizing

(pp. 29-32). Klein (1946) is a pioneering and still useful account of the development of academic thinking about gender; Rosenberg (1982) gives more detail on early sex difference studies. The emergence of sex-role theory is sketched in Carrigan, Connell and Lee (1985). For its classic statement — apart from Parsons — see Komarovsky (1946, 1950).

‘Second-Wave’ Feminism and Gay Liberation

(pp. 32—7). The recent development of radical theory is itself hotly disputed.

Notable beginnings in charting this history have been made by Hartmann ‘ (1979) and Burton (1985) on Marxist feminism; Molyneux (1979) on

the domestic labour debate; Eisenstein (1984) and Willis (1984) on American radical feminism; Walter (1980) and Carrigan (1981) on gay liberation theory.


Updated: 09.09.2015 — 13:10