Science and Radicalism

These assumptions of naturalness were nevertheless challenged from several directions. One was evolutionary biology. Charles Darwin’s Descent of Man in 1874 offered a detailed account of ‘sexual selection’ as a mechanism of evolution alongside the ‘natural selection’ emphasized in the Origin of Species. In his unemphatic style Darwin took the issue of sex out of […]

Secular Morality

Social-scientific theories of gender are a Western invention, as far as I know, and definitely a modern one. Other civilizations have had their own ways of dealing with human sexuality and the relations between the sexes. As Indian eroticism and Chinese family codes illustrate, these can be as sophisticated and elaborate as anything the West […]

The Public World: Incomes and Wealth

(pp. 6-7). Statistics on Australian earnings and work-force from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (hereafter ABS) Catalogue 6101.0, Labour Statistics, (1978), p. 71; and from ABS Cat. 4101.0, Social Indicators, 4 (1984), pp. 171, 192, 213, 214. The adjustment for people with no income is based on 1981 census figures for women and men aged […]

A Teenager and her Family

Delia Prince (the name is a pseudonym) is one of the teenagers my colleagues and I interviewed in 1978, along with their parents and teachers, in the research project later published as Making the Difference. The research was an attempt to understand the circumstances, in school, family and workplace, that lay behind the massively greater […]


The radical movements of the 1960s and 1970s opened debates about a range of practical issues to do with sex and gender, ranging from sexual expression to economic inequality, police violence against gays, and rape. Naming these issues, the new feminist and gay politics also posed theoretical questions and began to grow a theoretical language: […]