Рубрика: Gender and. Social Computing


The Five Phases on Online Dating Monica T. Whitty Nottingham Trent University, UK ABSTRACT Online dating continues to grow in popularity as a way for individuals to locate a potential romantic partner. Researchers have examined how people present themselves on these sites, which presentations are more likely to lead to success, the effectiveness of the […]


To begin the data analysis, the qualitative, open — ended responses were reviewed to confirm that the subjects were sufficiently engaged in the sce­nario and to identify any notable trends. Several observations surfaced: 1. Nearly all subjects responded with written feedback and in every case the message was sensible and earnest, showing an investment in […]


In this study we use personality dimensions as developed in Venkatsubramanyan and Hill (2007) to assess the perceiver’s impression of a target ePersona as a potential project teammate. Ven — katsubramanyan and Hill (2007) began with the traditional five-factor model of personality traits (Watson, 1989). The five-factor model comprises a hierarchical organization of five basic […]

Social Networking Activity

As with individual characteristics of the perceiver and target, we suggest that characteristics of a target’s ePersona also impact perceivers’ impres­sions of the target. The ePersona includes all digital information that maybe gathered about an individual via a search engine. This information may be generated by the target, such as personal Web pages and blog […]


In existing models of impression formation, the perceiver is the person forming an impression, while the target is the person about whom the impression is formed. People form impressions about others based on primary (or direct) and secondary (or indirect) sources of information. Primary sources of information include personal interactions (face-to-face or otherwise) includ­ing both […]

Gender Differences in. Social Networking Presence. Effects on Web-Based. Impression Formation

Leslie Jordan Albert San Jose State University, USA Timothy R. Hill San Jose State University, USA Shailaja Venkatsubramanyan San Jose State University, USA INTRODUCTION With growth in the use of computers and the Internet, we now live in a world where there are two spheres of existence-a physical sphere and a digital sphere. Many now […]


This study contains several limitations. First, the sample size is limited to 20 respondents. As a result, the findings cannot be generalized to all women political bloggers. A larger study of political women should be conducted. Compiling a sample of political bloggers remains difficult due to the absence of a sampling frame. Still, this exploratory […]