The notion that online identity can be more fluid than “real life” identity is pervasive in the literature and takes into account the different ways in which attributes of identity including gender, age, religion, cultural heritage, etc., manifest in online as opposed to physical settings (Bowker & Tuffin, 2007; Whitley, 1997; Suler, 2002; Nowak & […]
Рубрика: Gender and. Social Computing
Schema theory articulates the process of creating a perception built on the preexisting schema (i. e. cognitive structure) coupled with new incoming information (Bem, 1981). According to Bem, a schema helps to shape an individual’s perception allowing individuals to attach meaning onto vast amounts of incoming information. A schema develops after an individual repeatedly observes […]
“Cyberspace has been cast as a post gender, posthuman world, where the ‘lived’ body or ‘meat’ is be [sic] left behind in the real social world. It has been suggested that there is an absence of a physical body in cyberspace, and instead, a disembodied free floating electronic/cyber self or cyber-persona manifests itself in netspace.” […]
The Not So Level Playing Field
Disability Identity and GenderRepresentation in Second Life Abbe E. Forman Temple University, USA Paul M. A. Baker Georgia Institute of Technology, USAJessica Pater Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Kel Smith Anikto LLC, USA ABSTRACT The study reported in this chapter examined gender and disability identity representation in the virtual environment, Second Life. In Second Life, […]
An examination of Table 1 shows that there are 3 factors underlying the 16 drivers for ICT adoption. The data also shows that the highest priority given by the respondent GPs was to those drivers that loaded onto the medical and business efficiency factor (eigenvalue 7.567, % variance accounted for 47.295). An examination of Table […]
Again, the results of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin MSA (.937) and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity (x2 = 2384,, p =.000) indicated that the data set satis- fied the assumptions for factorability. Principle Components Analysis was chosen as the method of extraction in order to account for maximum variance in the data using a minimum number of factors. A […]
Of the 890 surveys distributed, 198 (129 male, 69 female) were returned giving a response rate of 20.2%. Before applying any statistical examination it was imperative to determine whether sufficient sample size had been achieved. A formula for sample size was used E = Z a/2 0/^n or n = (Z a/2 °/E)2 At 99.9% […]
A series of interviews was undertaken with GPs to determine whether the sets of drivers and benefits listed in figures 1 and 2 were applicable and complete. The set of drivers and benefits were found to be appropriate, complete and without duplication. It should be noted that all GPs in Australia practise within a Division […]
Gender Differences in Internet Use
There have been a number of studies conducted over the years that have examined gender differences in Internet use. Studies by Jackson et al. (2001) and Odell et al. (2000) found that females tended to use the Internet more as a communication tool, while males searched for information. Schoon & Cafolla (2002) found that females […]
Gender Differences Among GP’s
There have been a number of studies examining gender differences among GPs. Studies in Australia (Britt et al. 1996) and the Netherlands (van den Brink-Muinen et al. 1998) found, not unexpectedly, that female GPs tended to handle more gynaecological patients than male GPs. These studies also found that female GPs were more often sought out […]