Рубрика: Good Enough Mothering?


Researchers have looked to a range of social, financial and psychological factors to account for differences in outcomes where they exist. These factors may have preceded the disruption, occurred afterwards or both. They illuminate the reality and variation in the lives of children caught up in family change and disruption. On the psychological dimension, family […]


It is often easier in social enquiries to pose concerns and ask questions than to answer them. To what extent can the data available be taken as telling us definitively and with surety about the relationship between children’s experience of family life and family change and their well-being and achievement in childhood and adulthood and […]

Debates on disruption

What happens to the children of lone parents1 Louie Burghes It is tempting to say that society is and has long been concerned about the well-being of children who experience family disruption, or grow up in a lone parent family, or both. While historically many children lost a parent through death, it is parental separation […]

Of the family

Two sides of the same coin Mary McIntosh Over recent years, the media in the United Kingdom have been reflecting a concern about lone mothers that amounts to a moral panic. Even the broadsheet newspapers have articles like ‘Alarm over teenage baby boom’ (Sunday Times, 8 January 1992), which seems to assume that all teenage […]