We seldom think of the money. For this reason they answer us with mutual neglect (money constantly does not suffice to us). There is a question: how to change the relation to money and to fill the family budget? For this purpose I suggest to remember bases of financial literacy.
lucadp, Shutterstock.com
When we remember about money? Let’s think together.
In the pay day, at calculations in shops, at emergence of problems, at a jaundiced eye on another’s expensive "belongings", cars, entertainments and a way of life.
It turns out that our meetings with money are chaotic and rare. Such relations are in advance doomed to a failure, they always will be problem – the validity of this axiom will be confirmed by any family man with an experience.
It is obvious that personal finance (including money) is the same integral part of our life, as a family and health. But about the finance we remember only when unexpectedly we understand that «they sing romances».
Our many compatriots are in a difficult financial position because they managed in inheritance from already nonexistent Soviet state "rotten" thoughts, belief and stereotypes concerning money. The Soviet Union fought 70 years against a private property, dreamed to "cancel" money, rigidly punished the citizens for initiative and enterprise.
It led to that we think out-of-date categories. We set false targets. Every day we act illogically. Our life is defined by habits which with guarantee leave us «without money».
For this reason to us so "painfully" to live! Old rules ceased to work, because the world surrounding us radically changed. He already lives long ago under new laws.
I recommend to allocate time and in more detail to get acquainted with financial side of your life. To begin never late.
In what danger of external financial wellbeing, in what its difference from true financial prosperity?
"External" wellbeing is capable to function and provide satisfaction of all everyday requirements only in "full" years when the economy grows and develops. As they say, «inflow lifts the whole boats». When in economy, in branch or in separately taken family comes an economic crisis (recession, stagnation, dismissal, bankruptcy, etc. unpleasant surprises), this visible wellbeing is scattered as a house of cards. Especially it is appreciable at superfluous consumption on which all of us managed to sit down.
I will give only one sad and disturbing fact – our compatriots took the credits for trillion rubles! It means that this money is not earned yet, but for a long time is spent. Besides, on them many years will continue to pay off as early as, overpaying percent and penalties for inevitable delays.
True financial wellbeing is based on stability, i.e. on independence of negative external factors.
Whatever occurred in economy and geopolitics, your family will be always reliably protected:
1) in advance made monetary accumulation (so-called «a financial pillow»);
2) several sources of the income;
3) diversification of the personal capital;
4) reasonable relation to expenditure of money;
5) refusal of superconsumption and superluxury;
6) and to that similar base concepts of elementary financial literacy. Favorable investments
Robert Kiyosaki’s familiar expression is remembered: «There are only two problems with money. One problem is when there is no money. Other problem is when there is too much them. What you choose?»
I want to pay your attention on very dangerous marketing «замануху» which thought up investment (and not only) the companies for «honest depriving» money. It sounds, at first sight, very correctly and harmlessly: "To earn, keep and increase".
Peer more attentively – anything you does not guard in this phrase? I consider that the priority of the person which learned to earn good money, is to save up, or, speaking in other words, not to lose the earned. Why I so point this aspect?
The matter is that as soon as you start to earn above an average, you become a target, delicious production. Those who decided to take away from you this money (or at least their part start to hunt for you).
They do it in very civilized way – offering you:
– to get luxury goods (i.e. the goods and segment services лакшери);
– to invest the earned money in investment projects with very attractive profitability;
– to take mortgage or a car credit – after all you are worthy all best!
These harmless ways extend the huge sums of money, it is enough to remember that:
1) at present Russians owe banks about one trillion money taken on credit;
2) The Ministry of Internal Affairs regularly reports about emergence of tens of thousands of new deceived investors, shareholders, etc. especially trustful citizens.
At the same time I see other picture – my familiar billionaires by search of projects for investment in them the money lay down very severe constraints on safety of their investments. Them the size of the promised income, how many possibility to return the money without loss interests not so much. They are not ready to lose the money. They well are able to earn and carefully preserve the capitals.
Perhaps, for this reason they and billionaires? They are aimed, first of all, at safety of the investments – to it important that their investments did not decrease and returned to them whole and safe.
In it key distinction between beginning investors and financially provided people also is covered:
– the first are ready to consider any ways of increase in the income;
– the second carefully choose and "reject" high-risky, unclear, "muddy" options of investments.
Therefore I sincerely recommend to those who only tries on on itself(himself) a role of the private investor, to look narrowly at strategy of monthly averaging. She allows to earn the small sums the impressive capitals on the big temporary horizon. For this purpose it is necessary for a long time regularly, for example, once a month, to take the equal sums any financial shares (actions, precious metals etc.).
Here that Warren speaks about it to Baffet: «I take shares, and me all the same that happens with the market next day. However it is not so difficult to foretell that will be with the market in the long-term period». Summarizing:
1) protect money earned by you;
2) it is not necessary to pursue super and profitable investments since they mean high risk.
It is much more important to keep that you have, than to believe in sweet fairy tales of sellers of beautiful life.