How the calendar became irreplaceable? History with numbers

Surprising thing – a calendar! The days filled with emotions, pleasures and experiences, on paper turn only into figures. Peering into columns with numbers as though you read history. Here visited, there was a birthday, and holiday today begins. And plans? As days off "will drop out", for what day of week it is necessary on March 8 etc. It turns out that live without a calendar we we can not. How the calendar became irreplaceable? History with numbers

In any case, I very much love these paper editions. Emphasizing, I lead round date circles, I calculate, if business is connected with the work schedule. On the threshold of a holiday or important action the treasured number turns for me into date «with the person».

However, without a calendar though it is difficult, but it is possible to manage … No, hardly. Even ancient Greeks could not. And consequently 6000 years ago learned to be guided on phases of the sun and to build the life thanking of. Their year totaled 365 days, as at us now. And here began on July 19 when the brightest star – Sirius lit up.

It did not turn out to live without a calendar and at Romans. Which modern version we now use. Only the Roman calendar was shorter than ours for 61 day therefore obviously did not correspond to a natural course of time. And in the VII century BC to it increased the two first month of year – January and February. And all the same it is shorter than year solar. Any 10 days in two years turned in the whole month, the thirteenth – martsedoniya.

Certainly, it was very inconvenient for life of Romans. Calendar holidays did not correspond to their events in life. It is time to celebrate an autumn harvest, and a crop not that that is not collected, and still did not keep up at all. Guy Julius Caesar put an end to this disgrace, certainly. Not without the aid of astronomers he established in year of 365 days and 6 hours.

This Julian calendar served to Romans till 1582, and then there was an unimaginable. The people who have fallen asleep on October 4, woke up the 15th! And matter is not in so long night break. Time for which Earth makes a turn round the Sun is simple, did not coincide over time, the established Julius. The time difference astronomical and calendar was small – some minutes. But minutes in centuries collected in days which by 1582 it turned out 10, whole 10 superfluous days!

This mistake needed to be liquidated urgently, and astronomers again were accepted to work. Already there was new, exact, absolutely correct calendar which we now with pleasure use. Or "Gregorian". As Pope Grigory XIII approved it as the special decree.

Here such long and difficult way passed the simple calendar which is so necessary for us today. But its history on it does not come to an end. Certainly, it any more is not subject to changes. But it is improved outwardly. Modern calendars – bright and colourful, thematic, religious – serve as the good assistant in life. Desktop and perekidny, small and big, a different form and a look – can serve as an excellent ornament of a room.

The calendar, as well as hours, is today in each house. Thanks to it we can safely be guided in the future, not to the touch, and leaning on concrete dates, to plan, dream. By the way, on what number Light Sunday – Easter next spring drops out? I will go, I will look.

Updated: 12.10.2015 — 14:16