Many people are afraid to ask discounts. For this reason they never also do not receive them! In our hard time each ruble on the account. Came to learn to receive time discounts for the goods bought by you and services. Learn to do it correctly – and you receive at once financial return in the form of "live" money at yourselves in a wallet.
Sergiy Bykhunenko,
Many people are afraid or hesitate to ask a discount. For this reason they never also do not receive them! Only one, in time told, the phrase is capable to bring to you notable benefit. Some thousands or some tens of thousands of rubles. Hundred thousands or millions.
You solve – how many money you will earn, having told only one correct phrase (in the right place and in due time).
Skill everywhere to receive the best conditions, in a literal sense, "will overturn" all your life. I will share the personal experience.
Only one, the conversation carried out by mentioned below rules allowed me to receive 100 dollars of a discount monthly within 2,5 years (i.e. only 3 thousand dollars). Other in time told phrase presented to me mini-travel to other country (cost about 1200 dollars).
So, question: what discounts at you?
I will sound five councils for those who never asked before about discounts or hesitates/is afraid to bargain. These simple recommendations will help you to learn to force down the price practically upon any purchase.
1. Ask about discounts always and everywhere.
Do it each time when something buy. It will allow you to "grow up" in itself skill of a zadavaniye of questions (negotiation). Each time at you it will turn out everything better and better, and discounts will give you in increasing frequency.
2. Hold a pause.
After scoring of the question about discounts become silent, or as speak at theater, «hold a pause». Your interlocutor should the first tell something to (answer). It will strengthen your trunk-call position. Accustom itself to become silent (to hold a pause) after the words «What discounts at you?» or «Something expensively».
3. Use open questions.
Much more effectively at negotiations on the price the open question «What works for you today there are discounts?», whether than the closed question «Is at you a discount?»
4. Respect the interlocutor.
Bargain (talk) to the seller friendly and validly. Be as it is possible more friendly with it, but are thus extremely uncompromising with the price. Speak with warmth in a voice that your offer on a discount looked as the offer, instead of the order. Otherwise the seller can «go on a principle» and completely break off communication with you.
5. A gift instead of a discount.
The discount is not necessarily expressed in the price. It can be a small bonus from the seller (a gift, accessories, expendables, a discount card of the regular customer, free delivery, assembly and т.п). Therefore can safely ask to provide you a similar discount (bonus) as a compromise at the price.
Bargain, even if the price suits you. Disagree on initially established price.
Remember: originally sounded price never is final!
Bargain more safely! Remember that in only 2-3 minutes of skillful negotiations you can return the decent sum of money to the purse (the family budget).
If absolutely cannot force to bargain in any way itself, begin with so-called "silent" discounts – look for in action and sale shops. When will begin to enjoy and will accustom – pass to working off of skills of reduction of price.
Purchases favorable to you!