The church for the sake of All Sacred – one of the newest, it was quite recently constructed in Ulyanovsk and enters a component into a complex of the Spaso-Voznesensky cathedral under construction. For construction of church donations of inhabitants and the
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Monuments of Georgia. Who battles to a tiger?
In a northern part of Tbilisi where Voyenno-Gruzinskaya Road begins, there is an unusual sculpture. Lifted on a high pedestal, it masterfully represents a furious duel of the youth hunter with a tiger. Source In general, it is necessary to
Cities of Russia: what to look in Ulyanovsk? A Simbirsk necropolis
Ulyanovsk – one of the cities most interesting to the tourist, and our travel on its sights proceeded. Having visited, apparently, untouched time memorial Lenin Street and memorial estate «V.I.Lenins Homeland», we went to one of sign places of the city –
Cities of Russia: what to look in Ulyanovsk? The city from a window of the car and not only
The wreath – so is called by high ledges of the right coast of Klyazma, Oka and Volga from Kovrov with Vyazniki to the Average Volga region. Here and in Ulyanovsk the highest hill on the right Volga coast from time immemorial is called the Wreath. Exactly
How Englishmen cook and drink beer?
Beer – one of the most ancient alcoholic beverages. To initial recipes of its preparation ninety centuries. In ancient Mesopotamia were able to cook about seven tens grades of beer. MaxyM, In Europe first beer cooked where because of too
And you know all distinctions between boys and girls?
Nobody will begin to argue with that between boys and girls there is a difference. One only external distinction of that costs? But than also why they differ from each other? SergiyN, 1. It appears, representatives of the weaker sex hear
What will occur, if bees die out?
The person can live without oxygen three minutes, without water – three days, and without bees – four years. The British scientists came to a conclusion that if the current trend to reduction of bee colonies remains, by 2035 of a bee will disappear from the
What is the psychological violence?
Possibly, you met women who constantly complained of the husbands, but for years undertook nothing to leave from under psychological pressure of the partner. How it is possible to live under constant psychological oppression, feeling as a puppet who moves
How to begin new life? Seven steps to happy changes
«All! From tomorrow … is not present, it is better since Monday, I begin new life!» How many such Mondays passed, and things are right where they started. To change life there is a sense only when you precisely understand where to go
How the soil is quickly formed?
«Geological time» flows surprisingly slowly. Natural changes of a landscape cannot be noticed with open years. Nevertheless measurements of abrupt mountain tops of New Zealand show that rocks can be transformed to the soil more than twice quicker, than was