Are women nature’s civilizing balance?

It is often said that women are a civilizing balance to the innately warlike male. By taking care of the killing for women it could be said that men civilized women. When survival was the issue, men killing to protea what women bore was the male form of nurturance.30 It was men’s contribution to the civilizing balance. (Later, as money was required for survival, the raising of money was the male financial womb. Whether killing in war or making a killing on Wall Street, "making a killing" was men proteaing what women bore.)

When a woman says she wants male sensitivity and then falls in love with the football player, surgeon, or rock star, she gives the male the message that he’ll get the most love when he is most unbalanced — most focused on his work, most focused on becoming a hero. Had she fallen in love with a sensitive nurse, an altruistic artist, or an empathetic cabdriver, she would have provided a real vote for civilizing men. She would have put her love where her mouth is.

Societies in which the man who “makes a killing" is most lovable create the male tragedy; they disconnea men from love to earn love. . .

Updated: 10.09.2015 — 04:13