How can patriarchy and matriarchy be defined?

I low, then, can patriarchy be defined? Perhaps it can best be defined as the male area of dominance, responsibility, and subservience in a culture, reinforced by both sexes for the purpose of serving both sexes’ survival needs.

How can matriarchy be defined? As the female area of dominance, responsibility, and subservience in a culture, reinforced by both sexes for the purpose of serving both sexes’ survival needs.

But patriarchy is now too associated with defining men as evil to ever be used without that connotation. My suggestion: eliminate its use. When describing a society explain the roles of both sexes played to keep its members alive. Then we uncover diversity rather than impose a conspiracy

A flaw of feminism Is the assumption that dominance and sexism was a one-way street. Feminism, in this sense, was a very traditional movement: it retained the underlying belief that men were responsible, knew what was going on, women were not. Which, aside from being untrue, implies women are inherently inferior or stupid An ironic position for the feminist movement. Perhaps as important, though, the belief that men were respoas — ible for women’s bondage was the flip side of the belief that her prince would come to rescue her In fact, both sexes were bound to do that which kept the next generation alive.

Updated: 13.09.2015 — 03:31