Рубрика: In The Myth of Male Power

The genetic factor

If men had genetically superior immune systems, this would be our rationale for paying more attention to female health, women are fragile, women need protection. However, women’s double-X chromosomes give them a kind of genetic backup system 17 That is, if a woman has a defective gene along one thread of her X chromosome, the […]

The industrialization factor

ITEM The more industrialized a society becomes, the more both sexes’ life expectancies increase. But industrialization increases women’s life expectancy roughly twice as much as men’s.7 In preindustrialized societies (e. g., Italy and Ireland in the nineteenth century), a gap of only one to two years between the life spans of women and men was […]

If the expression of depression Is part of the solution, who Is helping men express depression?

Are men taking responsibility to help themselves express their depression? Hardly. Men are still most likely to buy adventure books, financial journals, and sports magazines that teach men to solve problems, overcome barriers, or repress feelings. There are few men’s shelters, masculist psychologists, men’s crisis lines, or men’s centers. The biggest "men’s center" is San […]