Рубрика: In The Myth of Male Power

My body, my business?

ITEM If a fetus has a “right to life.” but eighteen years later has an "obligation to death," which sex is it? Registering all our 18-year-old sons for the draft in the event the country needs more soldiers is as sexist as registering all our 18-year-old daughters for child-bearing in the event the country needs […]

Didn’t women in the Persian Gulf share equal combat risks without equal combat pay?

During the U. S. invasion of Panama, front-page headlines heralded the first woman leading soldiers into combat.9 Although The New York Times made it clear the woman thought she was approaching an ««guarded dog kennel,10 Congresswoman Schroeder used this incident to develop three myths — myths that were reinforced during the war in the Persian […]

I had never thought of the war on drugs as another virtually all-male war. The saving professions

Complete these sentences with your first, gut-level thought: ► Shortly after they heard the alarm, a crew of_____________ rescued some women from a blazing apartment. ► Two——— attacked a woman jogger in Central Park. Most people think of the woman as being saved by "firemen" or "fire fighters." It is now considered sexist for TV […]