Рубрика: In The Myth of Male Power

Security power

The prohibition against divorce gave a woman security in her workplace. Nothing gave a man security in his workplace. His source of income could fire him, her source of income could not fire her. Even today, if he quits his job, he doesn’t get severance pay; if she initiates divorce, she takes half the "corporate […]

Influence power

The Catholic church is often quoted as acknowledging, "Give us a child the first five years and we will shape its life." We acknowledge the influence power of the church over its youth; we often ignore the influence power of a mother over her children — including her sons. But it is the mother who […]

Spending power

In my own examination of large shopping malls (including men’s shops and sporting goods stores) I found that approximately seven times as much floor space is devoted to women’s personal items as to men’s. Both sexes buy more for women. The key to wealth is not in what someone earns; it is *n what is […]