Рубрика: In The Myth of Male Power

The power of life

ITEM In 1920 women in the United States lived one year longer than men.3 Today women live seven years longer.4 The male-female life-span gap in­creased 600 percent We acknowledge that blacks dying six years sooner than whites reflects the powerlessness of blacks in American society.5 Yet men dying seven years sooner than women is rarely […]

A First Glance

The weakneu of men is the facade of strength, the strength of women h the facade of weakness.1 There are many ways in which a woman experiences a greater sense of powerlessness than her male counterpart: the fears of pregnancy, aging, rape, date rape, and being physically overpowered; less socialization to take a career that […]

To both sexes

The Myth ofMale Power violates both sexes’ biologically inherited instinct to protea the female. Proteaing the female implied listening to her needs and repressing his own — even to the point of dying. It will therefore literally be natural to find flaws as a defense against hearing the male world view. There are flaws enough […]