Рубрика: In The Myth of Male Power

Inside prison, U. SA

Women felons go to a former school a few miles east of the state capitol. The men’s institutions are prisons, plain and hard. They offer cells, guards, cell block gangs. . . The women’s institution feels like the school it was built to be, and its staff encourages reform and rehabilitation. Attorney David D. Butler,23 […]

How the System Protects Women, Or. . . 175 Capital punishment: the male-only death penalty

(The executioner! found it difficult to reconcile himself to the task of destroying the life of a member of the sex which his whole upbring­ing had taught him was deserving of respect and tenderness as the giver of life.1′ ITEM Twenty-three Americans have been executed and later found inno­cent. All twenty-three were men.’6 ITEM Approximately […]