Improbably, but fact: still in the world the absurd situation in patent service remains. In each country at such service "rules" and they are not unified not coordinated) with other countries. It turned back big incidents.
For example, the wheel appeared approximately in the second century B.C. What people thought up it – it is precisely not known. Archeologists say that for the first time a wheel, allegedly, began to use in Mesopotamia. But for certain it is not known. Simply there were primitive "wheels" from roughly processed tree trunk. These "wheels" were similar to a heavy potter’s wheel.
In other countries similarity of a wheel appeared much later. Differently – the name of the inventor of history is not known. Than also the lawyer from Australia John Keog used. It considered that interesting moment that before arrival to Australia Europeans the indigenous people did not know a wheel. And in Europe it was not patented. Hokhma for the sake of John Keog decided to take out on the lawful bases the patent for «The transport device of a round form» as he called the demand. Shortly before it in Australia the new patent legislation began to operate. And in it it is in black and white written that the patent can be given out provided that the similar demand moved nobody in the Australia earlier.
Result of a joke of John Keoga – to it granted the patent. On its basis the lawyer made an application on «A vehicle of a round form» in the International patent department. If there to it will grant the patent, then all countries should pay to John percent when using wheels in transport. To pay, as its invention is taken by them as a principle movements. Joke! But legally everything is correct: the inventor has the bases to receive percent from profit where its invention is worked.
Will tell, a case with the patent for a wheel – simply fantastic incident? Do not hurry up. Than such "incident" can really turn back, let’s look. Here the curious data which have appeared in foreign mass media.
The Google corporation annually deducts in favor of Microsoft corporation of two billion dollars! For what reason such kind gesture? It appears, «Google» in some products used earlier intellectual property of "Microsoft". The conflict was not until in the last did not patent a part of algorithms, having declared thereby the legal right to them. Nuance that these algorithms were known very long time ago among programmers and were considered as "neutral".
The patent legislation of the USA allows to make such "focuses" to many firms. Let’s tell, the IBM company made a complaint to the network Twitter resource for a round sum for use of inventions without the permission. Thus referred to numbers of the issued patents: «Effective extraction of Internet addresses» (speech about collecting of addresses from an address line of searchers), «A method of display of advertizing in the interactive environment» (a running text and other), «Program detection of the general contacts» (viewing of social networks). All this too is known very long time ago and was "neutral".
Because of such here incidents patents for most improbable "invention" are possible.
Hugh Harlan, the head of the The Brain company, patented a code on process of thinking of the person. What represents "code"? A casual set of figures with the block diagram. It it appeared enough that in the USA to it granted the patent (US Patent 6031537). Now Hugh Harlan has the legitimate right to receive assignments for use of its "invention". And it means that each American is obliged to do such assignments as uses allegedly for the thinking that block diagram. Trick, certainly. And anybody seriously does not accept this "invention". But legally his author has all bases to win trial against each American!
The patent system needs revision in a number of the countries. Need of it already realized, but business moves forward slowly. And on light there are patents for new "inventions" – long ago known, all used in life, but not registered earlier patent service as inventions. Or absurd in essence, but legally competently "registered" in patent applications.
In Germany against such lawlessness even created and opened gallery of patent horrors (Patent horrors gallery). Having got acquainted with a collection, you realize that unification with patents between the countries is already necessary, as air. Otherwise – the farther in the wood, the will be laughter weepingly more.