Рубрика: Narcissism and Its Discontents

Socialising Narcissus via the Case of ‘Little Hans’

In his work of 1921 ‘Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego’, Freud, not uncharacteristically, deploys an animal metaphor to describe the form of narcissism. Arthur Schopenhauer’s ‘company of porcupines’ crowding themselves close together ‘one cold winter’s day’ proves an apt image for describing the dynamics of group identification. As soon as the porcupines […]

In the beginning was the relation: harmonious mix-ups

In his work of 1968, The Basic Fault: Therapeutic Aspects of Regression, Michael Balint rejects the clinical accuracy and theoretical usefulness of Freud’s account of primary narcissism and attributes its persistence in the psychoanalytic lexicon to the erroneous belief that ‘the logically simple is necessarily the chronologically earlier’ (1968, 30). Balint’s the­ory of ‘primary love’ […]

Chapter development

Freud held that his paper ‘On Narcissism: An Introduction’ displayed all the signs of a difficult labour, an appropriate metaphor no doubt when we consider narcissism’s troubled adoption within the broader psychoanalytic community.3 In Chapter 1 I begin with a reading of Freud’s paper of 1914, identify some of its major difficulties, and explore some […]


I shall begin this book with a warning: there is little in the follow­ing pages to affirm the presentation of the narcissist as found in the contemporary clinical literature or among the array of self-help books dedicated to healing from narcissistic relationships. The narcissist that we shall consider here will not be reduced to a […]