Рубрика: Our Sexuality


A woman with a yeast infection may notice that she has a white, clumpy discharge that looks something like cottage cheese. In addition, candidiasis is often associated with intense itching and soreness of the vaginal and vulval tissues, which typically become red and dry. Treatment A variety of treatments have proved effective in combating yeast […]


Candidiasis (kan-duh-DIE-uh-sus), also commonly referred to as a yeast infection, is primarily caused by a yeastlike fungus called Candida albicans. Incidence and Transmission Candidiasis is the second most common vaginal infection in North America. An esti­mated 75% of women will have at least one genital candidiasis infection in their lifetime (Workowski et al., 2010). The […]

Symptoms and Complications

Most women who are infected with BV manifest no overt symptoms of this infec­tion (Centers for Disease Control, 2009i). However, when present, the most common symptom of bacterial vaginosis in women is a foul-smelling, thin discharge that resem­bles flour paste in consistency. The discharge is usually gray or white, but it can also be yellow […]

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a vaginal infection caused by a replacement of the normal vaginal lactobacilli by an overgrowth of microorganisms, which can include anaerobic bacteria, Mycoplasma bacteria, and a bacterium known as Gardnerella vaginalis. Incidence and Transmission The presence of moderate levels of bacterial microorganisms in the vaginal environ­ment is normal. However, under conditions […]

Common Vaginal Infections

Several kinds of vaginal infections can be transmitted through sexual interaction. The infections we discuss in this section are also frequently contracted through nonsexual means. Vaginitis and leukorrhea are general terms applied to a variety of vaginal infec­tions characterized by a whitish discharge. The secretion can also be yellow or green because of the presence […]


No specific therapy is known to be effective against hepatitis A. Treatment generally consists of bed rest and adequate fluid intake to prevent dehydration. The disease generally runs its course in a few weeks, although complete recovery can take several months in cases of severe infection. Infection with hepatitis B is typically treated in the […]

Symptoms and Complications

Symptoms of viral hepatitis vary from nonexistent to mild flulike symptoms (poor appetite, upset stomach, diarrhea, sore muscles, fatigue, headache) to an incapacitating illness characterized by high fever, vomiting, and severe abdominal pain. One of the most notable signs of viral hepatitis is a yellowing of the whites of the eyes; the skin of light-complexioned […]

Viral Hepatitis

Viral hepatitis (heh-puh-TIE-tus) is a disease in which liver function is impaired by a viral infection. There are three major types of viral hepatitis: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Each of these forms of viral hepatitis is caused by a different virus. viral hepatitis An ailment in which liver function is impaired by […]


No single treatment has been shown to be uniformly effective in removing warts or in preventing them from recurring. Current CDC guidelines suggest several fairly con­servative approaches to HPV management that focus on the removal of visible warts. The most widely used treatments include cryotherapy (freezing) with liquid nitrogen or cryoprobe and topical applications of […]

Symptoms and Complications

Most people who have genital HPV infections do not develop visible symptoms and thus are unaware that they are infected (Centers for Disease Control, 2009g). Visible warts, which have an average incubation period of about 3 months, may appear within weeks or months after sexual contact with an infected person. In women genital warts most […]