Рубрика: Our Sexuality

Symptoms and Complications

Early symptoms of gonorrhea infection are more likely to be evident in men than in women (Centers for Disease Control, 2009c). Most men who experience gonococcal urethritis have some symptoms, ranging from mild to pronounced. However, it is not uncommon for men with this type of infection to have no symptoms and yet be potentially […]


Gonorrhea (gah-nuh-REE-uh), known in street language as "the clap," is an STI caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae (also called gonococcus). Incidence and Transmission Gonorrhea is the second most reported infectious condition in the United States, trailing only chlamydia (Workowski et al., 2010). The CDC estimates that there are more than 700,000 new cases of […]

Symptoms and Complications

Two general types of genital chlamydia infections affect females. The first of these, infection of the mucosa of the lower reproductive tract, commonly takes the form of an inflammation of the urethral tube or an infection of the cervix. In both cases women experience few or no symptoms (Centers for Disease Control, 2009b). When symp­toms […]

Bacterial Infections

A variety of STIs are caused by bacterial agents. We begin this section with a discussion of chlamydia, one of the most prevalent and damaging of all STIs. The other bacterial infections we describe are gonorrhea, nongonococcal urethritis, and syphilis. We discuss bacterial vaginosis, a common vaginal infection, in a later section of this chapter. […]

Sexually Transmitted Infections

How common is trichomoniasis, and what possible complications are associated with this infection? The possibility of getting a sexually transmitted infection has caused me to be extremely cautious and selective about whom I choose to be sexual with. It also makes every decision in a sexual relationship so critical and has made me much more […]

Unethical Relationships: Sex Between Therapist and Client

It is highly unethical for professional therapists to engage in sexual relationships with cli­ents they treat—both during therapy and after it has ended (Lamb et al., 2003; Reamer, 2003). It is the professional’s responsibility to set boundaries that ensure the integrity of the therapeutic relationship. Psychiatry, psychology, social work, and counseling profes­sional associations have codes […]

Selecting a Therapist

To select a therapist, you might ask your sexuality course instructor or health-care practitioner for referrals or contact either the American Association of Sex Educators, Therapists, and Counselors or the American Board of Sexology. After consulting some of these sources, you should have several potential therapists from which to choose. A professional who has specialized […]

Seeking Professional Assistance

Although some people with sexual problems improve over time without professional help, sometimes therapy is necessary. In fact, sometimes alleviation of sexual problems is a side effect of successful psychotherapy for general psychological problems (Hoyer et al., 2009). However, seeking therapy is often a difficult step. A community medi­cal practice found that, when asked, many […]

Treating Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Many aspects of the treatment for hypoactive sexual desire disorder are similar to spe­cific suggestions for resolving other sexual problems. These include ■ Encouraging erotic responses through self-stimulation and arousing fantasies ■ Reducing anxiety with appropriate information and sensate focus exercises ■ Enhancing sexual experiences through improved communication and increased skills— both in initiating desired […]

Reducing Male Orgasmic Disorder

Sex therapy usually begins with a few days of sensate focus, when the man should not have an ejaculation by masturbation or partner interaction. If his partner desires orgasm, this can be accomplished in whatever fashion is comfortable for both partners. The next step is for the man to stimulate himself to orgasm with his […]