Рубрика: Our Sexuality

Media Resources

Log in to CengageBrain. com to access the resources your instructor requires. Go to CengageBrain. com to access Psychology CourseMate, where you will find an interactive eBook, glossaries, flashcards, quizzes, videos, and more. Also access links to chapter-related websites, including Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network; Facts About Sexual Harassement; Feminist Majority Foundation (Sexual Harassment […]

Sexual Harassment in Academic Settings

Sexual harassment also occurs in educational settings. College students often find themselves in the unpleasant situation of experiencing unwanted sexual advances from their professors. Both sexes are vulnerable to this form of harassment. However, it is most commonly male professors or instructors who harass female students (Bingham & Battey, 2005; Kelley & Parsons, 2000). Academic […]

Effects of Workplace Sexual Harassment on the Victim

On-the-job sexual harassment can seriously erode a victim’s financial status, job per­formance, career opportunities, psychological and physical health, and personal rela­tionships (Berdahl & Aquino, 2009; Gradus et al., 2008). The financial ramifications of refusing to endure sexual harassment may be severe, especially for people in lower — level positions. Many victims, particularly if they are […]

Sexual Harassment

Whether in industry, the military, or academia, sexual harassment is widespread in U. S. society. Sexual harassment is more than just a demand for sexual favors. Sexual harassment can also occur when people’s actions create a hostile or offensive working environment. One woman offered her experience: I was the first woman they hired at that […]

When the Child Tells

Research demonstrates that children who have been sexually abused often either delay dis­closure of the abuse to a parent or another adult or do not tell at all (Goodman-Brown et al., 2003; Leander et al., 2007). A recent Swedish study found that sexually abused children are markedly more likely to disclose the abuse to a […]