We conclude our discussion of coercive paraphilias with a few brief comments about three additional varieties of these coercive or invasive forms of paraphilia. The first two, frotteurism and zoophilia, are fairly common. The third variant form, necrophilia, is a rare and extremely aberrant form of sexual expression. Frotteurism Frotteurism (frah-toor-IH-zum) is a fairly common […]
Рубрика: Our Sexuality
Voyeurism (voi-YUR-ih-zum) refers to deriving sexual pleasure from looking at the naked bodies or sexual activities of others, usually strangers, without their consent (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Because a degree of voyeurism is socially acceptable (witness the popularity of sex sites on the Internet), it is sometimes difficult to determine when voyeuristic behavior becomes a […]
Obscene Phone Calls
People who make obscene phone calls share characteristics with exhibitionists. Thus obscene phone calling (sometimes called telephone scatologia) is viewed by some professionals as a subtype of exhibitionism. People who make obscene phone calls typically experience sexual arousal when their victims react in a horrified or shocked manner, and many masturbate during or immediately after […]
Exhibitionism, often called indecent exposure, refers to behavior in which an individ — exhibitionism ual (almost always male) exposes his genitals to an involuntary observer (usually an the act _ of exposing ones genitals to adult woman or a girl) (American Psychiatric Association, 2000; Marshall et al., 1991). an unwilling °bserver. Typically, a man who […]
Coercive Paraphilias
In this section, we first discuss three common forms of coercive paraphilic behaviors: exhibitionism, obscene phone calls, and voyeurism. Three other varieties of coercive paraphilias—frotteurism, zoophilia, and necrophilia—are also discussed.
Klismaphilia (kliz-muh-FILL-ee-uh) is an unusual variant of sexual expression in which an individual obtains sexual pleasure from receiving enemas (Agnew, 2000). Less commonly, the erotic arousal is associated with giving enemas. The case histories of many individuals who express klismaphilia reveal that as infants or young children they were frequently given enemas by concerned and […]
Other Noncoercive Paraphilias
In this section, we consider four additional varieties of noncoercive paraphilias that are generally uncommon or even rare. We begin our discussion by describing autoerotic asphyxia, a dangerous form of variant sexual behavior. We then offer a few brief comments about three other uncommon noncoercive paraphilias: klismaphilia, copro — philia, and urophilia. Autoerotic Asphyxia Autoerotic […]
Sexual Sadism and Sexual Masochism
Sadism and masochism are often discussed under the common category sadomasochistic (SAY-doh-ma-suh-kis-tik) (SM) behavior because they are two variations of the same phenomenon: the association of sexual expression with pain. Furthermore, the dynamics of the two behaviors are similar and overlapping. Thus in the discussion that follows we will often refer to SM behavior or […]
Transvestic Fetishism
Until recently, nontranssexual cross-dressers were generally labeled transvestites. This term is now considered appropriately applied only to people who put on the clothes of the other sex to achieve sexual arousal (Langstrom & Zucker, 2005). The sexual component of crossdressing for these individuals distinguishes them from female impersonators who crossdress to entertain, gay men who […]
Noncoercive Paraphilias
In this section, we first discuss four fairly common types of noncoercive paraphilias: fetishism, transvestic fetishism, sexual sadism, and sexual masochism. We will also describe four less common varieties of noncoercive paraphilias. Fetishism Fetishism (FET-ish-iz-um) refers to sexual behavior in which an individual becomes sexually aroused by focusing on an inanimate object or a part […]