
These days as I walk across the opulent lawns of the private, liberal arts col­lege where I teach, most students passing by have a cell phone, seemingly glued to one ear. They are so deeply engaged in their conversations that they barely notice anyone around them, and they are startled when I call out a […]

Brief Overview

I divide this investigation of parenting strategies into two parts. In part I, I demonstrate how parenting out of control emerges from the ways in which professional middle-class parents make sense of their position in the world. I show that although parents from the working and middle classes share some concerns with parents from the […]

The Lens of Theory: Parenting Out of Control

My findings of intimacy and hovering combined with elastic constraint and covert surveillance are central to my dubbing the professional middle-class approach “parenting out of control.” Clearly intimacy and hovering lay the groundwork for control in the commonsense meaning of the word: parents are carefully guiding, shaping, and determining the contours of their chil­dren’s actions. […]

A Descriptive Lens: Tlie Importance of Class

When I compared parenting styles among the professional middle-class respondents with those of their less privileged peers, I found quite distinc­tive differences. Among the former, parenting includes a lengthy perspec­tive on children’s dependency without a clear launching point for a grown child, a commitment to creating “passionate” people who know how to find a “proper” […]

Studying Parenting Styles

Curious about the hovering and curious about its possible link to new tech­nology, I designed a research project that would allow me to explore and explain the roots, dynamics, and class location of a style of child rearing that I have come to call “parenting out of control” as it affects attitudes toward and behaviors […]


No Playpen W hen I was raising my children in the 1970s, there were no baby moni­tors to help me hear them cry in the middle of the night, no cell phones to assist me in keeping track of their whereabouts at every moment, and no expectation that I would know any more about their […]