Summer residents, as we know, – an advance party of fighters for consumption ecologically and, the most important, genetically pure vegetables. It is supposed, what at itself on six (or how many them at us?) hundred parts the respectable summer resident most will track purity of this.
Let the scientific enemy in a white dressing gown is torn through a rabitsa to introduce in chromosomes of a favourite potato any harmful gene which would make a tuber opposite for the Colorado beetle. No pasaran!
Meanwhile any fan, without understanding it, all the country life is engaged in genetic updating of those works of flora which is lucky enough to cultivate on the огородике. Well, or is not engaged – but indulges such semi-natural hybridization, winks – or does not look at all. And from results from time to time runs into amazement.
For example, cultivating for food cucumbers, pumpkins, melons, vegetable marrows, bush pumpkins and using at the same time for creation of a green arbor such liana as a tladiant, he should be ready to a miracle. To that instead of a cucumber will grow up… tykvo-cucumber. More truly, a tladianto-cucumber – well what to break language! After all to a tladiant call also a tykvennik. With an adjective – "doubtful".
On one gardening site found here such letter: «Bought in the market a sapling, according to the seller, the liana is called a tladiant. To me told that the liana demands a support, blossoms yellow kolokolchaty flowers…»
The answer begins such words: «Tladianta (Thladianta) – a sort of perennial plants of family pumpkin, uniting about 15 types, comes East and South East Asia. One of types tladiant grows in Russia in the Far East, and for gardeners this plant is while rare exotic culture».
Store you God, the reader, from hobby for this rare exotic!
It is necessary to start up only it in a kitchen garden, at least for an ornament of a fence or for creation of a green arbor, – and persistent fight against "rarity" for many years is guaranteed to you.
The next year after the settlement tladiant on your site the equal green cover with yellow florets will cover not only your fence, but also neighbour’s, together with beds, and garbage heaps where you on imprudence of a lash of this liana fell down…
And survivability of a liana speaks features of its biology. It grows one season prior to 3-5 meters at length, underground extends klubnevidny roots on столонах (escapes – approximately as by what potatoes grow).
Измаявшиеся with an exotic Far East liana gardeners try to bridle it that grow up… in barrels – not to give possibility to extend these tubers. And still – it is necessary to lose a little vigilance – and the gentle greens creep, friendly turning yellow florets.
One pleasure – a liana suppresses vegetation in that territory which grasped. Under a blanket from tladiant habitual garden weeds perish, she manages to strangle even long-term дерновину.
And except all this, it – also a source of genetic pollution! Tladianta can begin to pollinate literally all from family pumpkin that only is found at you on a site… This feature of a Far East liana still in the thirties the last century I.V. Michurin rejoiced.
Two-blast furnace a tladiant to fasten fruits with plants of the look, the exotic insect who does not live in a midland of Russia is necessary. In lack of this insect the plant cannot breed within the look, but… With might and main переопыляется with other plants of family of Pumpkin (Cucurbitaceae)!
Here is how described the nature converter results of this uncontrollable hybridization:
«Our cucumbers, melons and pumpkins willingly accept Tladianta’s pollen for fertilisation, and the following phenomenon is observed: one grades of melons and cucumbers, holding the general exterior of the fruit, a form inherent in it, show in pulp big increase in percent of sugar, meanwhile as others, also impregnated by Tladianta’s pollen, give absolutely changed form of a fruit, coloring of its external surface and all thickness of its pulp. Change both in a form and in size of sunflower seeds is thus observed. Thus new types of long-term vegetables» are created.
Michurin did not begin to go deep into studying of selection prospects tladiant. Noted only that the plant is very convenient for demonstration of experiments on hybridization – it is so sympathetic on pollination by pollen of various plants of family Pumpkin and so diverse there are forms of arising hybrids. Characterizing possibilities of such crossing, the scientist noted existence of «sharp changes» «in a form and external coloring завязи hybrid fruits and in taste of their pulp».
About melons and water-melons I will tell nothing, did not try to grow up neither without tladiant, nor with it in neighbors. But in that district in which I live, tladiant fructifies, having in neighbors only… эхиноцистис, this liana with the fragrant white florets, being spat large and dark, as cockroaches, seeds.
That grows as a result of such expansive hybridization – God knows. What it nutritious qualities possesses, it is how harmless – besides is conducted to nobody. But prevalence of the plant which has arrived to a midland of Russia as a garden rarity and any natural limiters not constrained, such is that just right already quarantine to declare.