Some final comments

The advocated perspective also suggests some other views on gender. As Strath — ern repeatedly points out, gender does not have a simple, one-to-one relationship to persons (e. g. 1988:14ff.) but is cultural constructions that are, strictly speaking, only indirectly linked to persons. One implication of this view is that studies of gender necessarily have […]

A case

In 1998 I witnessed the dramatic effects of a domestic dispute. I was present dur­ing parts of a funeral process in which a husband, his wife and his lover were cen­tral participants. The man was dead and as a significant part of the funeral process the closest family underwent certain purification rituals (cf. Schapera 1994:163ff.). […]

Nderstanding Sexuality in Africa: Diversity and Contextualised Dividuality

Jo Helle-Valle Introduction This chapter is basically an argument about how to understand and explain sexu­ality in Africa. It is, needless to say, a highly complex and controversial issue and hence needs some initial qualifications. First, is it at all reasonable to speak of an ‘African sexuality’? Some say yes, others heatedly no. My position […]

Concluding remarks

This paper includes a theoretical re-thinking of ‘female sexuality’, rooted in an empirical inquiry about ‘excision/female genital mutilation’ and nuptial advisors. The purpose of such an approach is to bring about elements of discussion that reveal the cultural basis of these practices as much as possible. In Mali, the social construction of individual sexuality is […]