Рубрика: Routledge Handbook of Sexuality Studies in East Asia

Abortion and the Eugenic Protection Law

Ribu’s approach to abortion demonstrates how the movement affirmed women’s procreative capacities and resisted the government’s attempt to control their sex. The movement’s stance on abortion should be contextualised within the history of abortion in Japan. Part of Japan’s rapid modernisation process during the last few decades of the nineteenth century involved population control legislation. […]

The liberation of sex, onna and eros

Ribu activists powerfully articulated the political significance of sex in alternative media publications (mini-komi, from ‘mini-communications’), manifestos, pamphlets, newsletters, bulletins, newspapers and journals. They spoke at rallies, organised public demonstrations and sit-ins, and publicised their views through major newspapers such as the Asahi Shinbun and Mainichi Shinbun, intellectual journals and magazines. They launched an unprecedented […]

The formation of the women’s liberation movement

This movement was known as Uman ribu (woman lib), an adaptation of the transliterated English phrase women’s lib, which was, in turn, an abbreviation of ‘women’s liberation’. This name signalled both the activists’ solidarity with other women’s liberation movements around the world and their specificity as a new Japanese women’s movement. In this chapter, the […]


Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, and especially over the last decade, China’s increasing economic clout and its resultant involvement in Mongolian affairs has intensified deep-rooted Mongolian animosity towards the Chinese. Socialist and post-socialist literature — Mongolian, Russian as well as Western — overwhelmingly describes historical relations between the two countries as antagonistic, typically […]