Manual Sex: A Safer-Sex Behavior

Manual sex (also referred to as a “hand job”) refers to the physical caressing of the gen — ^manual sex

itals during solo or partner masturbation. Generally, people think of manual sex as some — The physical caressing of the gemtais during

solo or partner masturbation.

thing that happens before sexual intercourse, but it has become more popular over the years as a form of safer sex. This is because during manual sex, there is no exchange of body fluids (we will discuss safer sex later in this chapter). In order for partners to learn how best to stimulate each other manually, it may help to watch each other masturbate.

After all, most people know best how to stimulate their own bodies. This can be very anxiety-producing for some couples and in situations in which one partner is hesitant, the other partner can go first or they can try it again another time.

Updated: 09.11.2015 — 05:28