Рубрика: Sexuality Now

Treating Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is often treated in a variety of ways. Today, popular methods in­clude behavioral cognitive therapy and pharmaceutical treatments (Wylie & Ralph, 2005). Two behavioral techniques are also popular, including the squeeze technique and the stop-start technique. Both involve stimulating the penis to the point just prior to ejaculation. Usually a man practices these […]

Male Orgasmic Disorder

Male orgasmic disorder is relatively rare, with only 8% of men reporting problems reach­ing orgasm (Laumann et al., 1994). It is defined as a delay or absence of orgasm follow­ing a normal phase of sexual excitement. As we discussed previously, many men who take psychotropic medications experience problems with orgasm. Treating Male Orgasmic Disorder Male […]

Treating Female Orgasmic Disorder

Today, the majority of treatment programs for orgasmic disorder involve a combination of different treatment approaches, such as homework assignments, sex education, com­munication skills training, cognitive restructuring, desensitization, and other techniques (M. P. Kelly et al., 1990). The most effective treatment for female orgasmic disorder was developed by LoPiccolo & Lobitz (1972) and involves teaching […]

Female Orgasmic Disorder

Historically, this female sexual dysfunction was referred to as “frigidity,” which had neg­ative implications about the woman. DSM-IV-TR defines female orgasmic disorder as a delay or absence of orgasm following a normal phase of sexual excitement. This is a com­mon complaint among women, and studies have found that 24% of women have female orgasmic disorder […]


Every individual reaches orgasm differently and has different wants and needs to build sexual excitement. Some people need very little stimulation, others need a great deal of stimulation, and some never reach orgasm. The DSM-IV-TR has three categories oforgasmic disorders: female orgasmic disorder, male orgasmic disorder, and premature ejaculation. Recently there has been some talk […]

Treating Male Erectile Disorder

Of all the sexual dysfunctions, there are more treatment options for male erectile disor­der than for any other sexual dysfunction. A tremendous amount of research has been dedicated to finding causes and treatment options for ED. Depending on the cause, treat­ment for ED includes psychological treatment, pharmacological treatment (drugs), hor­monal and intracavernous injections, vascular surgery, […]

Male Erectile Disorder

Erectile disorder (ED) is defined as the persistent inability to obtain or maintain an erec­tion sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance (Fink et al., 2002). It is estimated that close to 30 million men in the United States experience ED (Lue, 2000). The preva­lence of ED increases with age—12% of men younger than 59 experience ED, […]

. Sex Therapy

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder Female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD) is an inability to either obtain or maintain an ad­equate lubrication response of sexual excitement. Prevalence rates for FSAD increase with age and show that lubrication insufficiency is common after the age of 50 (R. W. Lewis et al., 2004). Some women who experience FSAD also […]

Treating Sexual Aversion

Treatment of sexual aversion is difficult, mainly because most men and women would rather not discuss sexuality and are resistant to seeking help. If they do seek help, the most common treatment involves discovering and resolving the underlying conflict. Generally, cognitive-behavioral therapy is most successful at helping to uncover the re­lationship issues or events from […]