Рубрика: Sexuality Now


In the last 2 to 3 months of pregnancy, 6% to 7% of women experience toxemia (tock — SEE-mee-uh), or preeclampsia (pre-ee-CLAMP-see-uh). Symptoms include rapid weight gain, fluid retention, an increase in blood pressure, and protein in the urine. If toxemia is allowed to progress, it can result in eclampsia, which involves convulsions, coma, and, […]

Rh Incompatibility

The Rh factor naturally exists on some people’s red blood cells. If your blood type is fol­lowed by “ + ,” you are “Rh positive,” and if not, you are “Rh negative.” This is impor­tant when you are having a blood transfusion or when pregnant. A father who is Rh positive often passes on his […]

Pregnancy in Women Over 30

Until the late 1980s, the majority of women had their first child in their early or mid — 20s. Today, more and more women are delaying childbearing because of educational or career goals. Over the last few years, it has become common for women to delay having children until they are 35 or older (Tough […]

Avoid the Sun?

n the United States, most physicians recommend that pregnant women avoid substances such as al­cohol, tobacco, and drugs and certain dangerous ac­tivities such as scuba diving and horseback riding. However, in other cultures, there are several additional activities that are avoided. These include: • Lying too long in the sun, which may cause the baby […]

Exercise and Nutrition

How much exercise should a woman get during pregnancy? Many physicians strongly ad­vise light exercise during pregnancy; it has been found to result in a greater sense of well­being, shorter labor, and fewer obstetric problems (Wang & Apgar, 1998). However, al­though participation in ongoing exercise throughout pregnancy can enhance birth weight, severe exercise can result […]

The Father’s Experience

For men, pregnancy can be a time of joy and anticipation—but also of stress and anxi­ety. Feelings about parenting in combination with the many changes their partners are undergoing can all add to men’s feelings of vulnerability. In the United States today, fathers are allowed and encouraged to participate in the birth. However, this was […]

Third Trimester

The third trimester includes the final weeks of pregnancy (weeks 28 to 40) and ends with the birth of a child.   Changes in the Pregnant Mother Many of the symptoms from the second trimester continue, with constipation and heartburn increasing in frequency. Backaches, leg cramps, increases in varicose veins, hemorrhoids, sleep problems, shortness of […]