There have been several other, less comprehensive, models proposed, such as noted sexologist Helen Singer Kaplan’s triphasic model (Kaplan, 1979), David Reed’s Erotic Stimulus Pathway (ESP), and Tiefer’s New View model. Kaplan’s triphasic model has only three stages, whereas Reed’s ESP has four. Kaplan believed sexual response included sexual desire, excitement, and orgasm (see Figure […]
Рубрика: Sexuality Now
Sexual Performance Scams
s it possible to take an over-the-counter drug to improve your sex drive, erections, or orgasms? Will $59.95 buy you a 1-month supply of awesome orgasms? How much would you pay to find out? Although we’ll discuss the use of aphrodisiacs in Chapter 14, here we will consider those advertisements that run in many men’s […]
The Sexual Response Cycle in Men
The sexual response cycle in males is similar to that of females, with vasocongestion and myotonia leading to physiological changes in the body (see Figure 10.5). However, in men the four phases are less well defined. During the excitement phase, the penis, like the clitoris in women, begins to fill with blood and become erect. […]
The Sexual Response Cycle in Women
Sexual response patterns vary among women (and in the same woman depending on her menstrual cycle). These variations can be attributed to the amount of time spent in each phase. For example, more time spent during arousal in foreplay may result in a greater orgasmic response. The intensity of the response may also be affected […]
We have already discussed how hormones and ethnicity affect our sexual behavior, but there are many other variables to consider. Our culture, our religion, and social, economic, psychological, and biological factors all contribute to the way we behave sexually. As we grow, we learn strong messages about acceptable and unacceptable behaviors from the culture at […]
How does our ethnic group and our race affect our sexuality? First, ethnicity and sexuality join together to form a barrier, a “sexualized perimeter,” which helps us decide who we let in and who we keep out (Nagel, 2003). Ethnicity can also affect which sexual behaviors we engage in, the frequency of these behaviors, our […]
There are many powerful influences on our sexuality. Here we discuss three of the biggest influences: hormones, ethnicity, and religion. Hormones As we discussed in Chapters 4 and 5, hormones have a powerful effect on our bodies. The various endocrine glands secrete hormones into the bloodstream, which carries them throughout the body. The most influential […]
Sexual Expression
Arousal and Response Influences on Sexuality Hormones Ethnicity Religion Studying Sexual Response Masters and Johnson’s Four-Phase Sexual Response Cycle ■ SEX IN REAL LIFE Sexual Performance Scams Other Models of Sexual Response Solitary Sexual Behavior Sexual Fantasy: Enhancement or Unfaithfulness? ■ PERSONAL VOICES The Best and the Worst of Times Masturbation: A Very Individual Choice […]
Divorce in Other Cultures
Divorce is common in almost all societies, but cultural views about it are changing as societies develop. In societies such as the United States, Sweden, Russia, and most European countries, divorce is relatively simple and has little stigma. The exceptions are countries that are largely Roman Catholic; because Catholicism does not allow divorce, it can […]