Рубрика: Sexuality Now

Adult Sexual Relationships

Sexuality** Now Dating: Fun or Serious Business? Types of Dating ■ SEX IN REAL LIFE Is Dating Dead on College Campuses? ■ SEX IN REAL LIFE Marriage and African-American Women Sexuality in Dating Relationships ■ PERSONAL VOICES Sports and Virginity Cohabitation: Instead of, or on the Way to, Marriage? Marriage: Happy Every After? Having Children […]

Studying Effects and Results

The main way that researchers determine whether or not a sexuality program is success­ful is by measuring behavioral changes after a program has been presented. Currently, the standard behavioral measures include vaginal intercourse, pregnancy, and contra­ceptive use (Remez, 2000). If the rates of vaginal intercourse increase after sexuality ed­ucation, a program is judged to be […]

Human Sexuality in a Diverse World

Sexuality Education in Other Cultures n a study done by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, the United States led nearly all developed coun­tries in the world in the rates of teenage pregnancy, abortion, and teenage childbearing (see Figures 8.3 through 8.6). Overall, countries that have liberal attitudes toward sex­uality, easily accessible birth control services for teenagers, […]

A Heterosexual Bias in Sexuality Education

A recent criticism of sexuality education programs is that there is an underlying assumption that human sexuality is “heterosexual” sexu­ality (Petrovic, 2002). If same-sex behavior is left out of the sexual­ity education curriculum, in essence this is saying that gays, lesbians, and bisexuals are “not fully sexual human beings” (M. Ellis, 1984). A discussion of […]

Sexuality Education Programs

In the United States, each state is responsible for developing its own sexuality educa­tional programs. Therefore, the programs vary greatly. There are four main types of sexuality programs: comprehensive; abstinence-based HIV-prevention; abstinence — only; and abstinence-only-until-marriage. Comprehensive sexuality programs, which we’ve already been discussing, are those that begin in kindergarten and continue through 12 th […]

Why Sexuality Education Is Important

Although many people claim that knowledge about sexuality may be harmful, stud­ies have found that it is the lack of sexuality education, ignorance about sexual issues, or unresolved curiosity that is harmful (S. Gordon, 1986). Students who participate in comprehensive sexuality education programs are less permissive about premarital sex than students who do not take […]

Evolving Goals of Sexuality Education

Sexuality education can have different goals. Knowledge acquisition, improving per­sonal psychological adjustment, and improving relationships between partners are pop­ular goals. Early sexuality education programs focused primarily on increasing knowledge levels and educating students about the risks of pregnancy (Kirby, 1992), believing that if knowledge levels were increased, then students would understand why it was impor­tant […]


Sexuality education inspires powerful emotions and a considerable amount of contro­versy. In fact, it may be one of the most heated topics in the field of sexuality, as differ­ent sides debate whether and how sexuality education programs should be implemented in the schools. Hygiene and Sexuality Education: Then and Now People have always been curious […]

Teenage Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy is probably the most studied aspect of adolescent sexual behavior because of its many impacts on the life of the teenager, the teenager’s family, and society as a whole. Although the number of sexually active adolescents is increasing, teenage pregnancy rates have declined over the last few years. The primary reason for this […]