Рубрика: Sexuality Now

Developing Intimacy Skills

There are many ways to improve our intimacy skills. As we discussed in Chapter 6, de­veloping intimacy often begins with understanding and liking ourselves—self-love. Other important skills we can develop to enhance our ability to form relationships in­clude receptivity, listening, showing affection, trust, and respect. Self-Love Self-love is different from conceit or narcissism; it is […]

Loss of Love

Popular songs are often about the loss of love; “the blues” is a whole genre of music built on the experience of losing love, and country-western music is well known for its songs of lost love. People experience loss of love in many ways. The couple may realize that their relationship was based on passion […]

Long-Term Love and Commitment

The ability to maintain love over time is the hallmark of matu­rity. Many people regard love as something that happens to them, almost like catching the flu. This attitude hides an impor­tant truth about love: it takes effort and commitment to main­tain love—not only commitment to the other person but com­mitment to continually build on […]

Love—It’s All in Your Head

hat does our brain have to do with our feelings of love and romance? New research into brain physiology has found that our brain is more in­volved than you might think. Magnetic resonance imag­ing (MRI) of brain functioning revealed that certain areas of the brain experience increases in blood flow when a newly in love […]

Personal Voices

In the Men’s Locker Room played organized sports for 15 years, and they were as much a part of my growing up as Cheerios, television, and homework. My sexual­ity unfolded within this all-male social world of sport, where sex was always a major focus. I re­member, for example, when we as prepubertal boys used the […]

Male and Female Styles of Intimacy

If any area of research in love and intimacy has yielded conflicting findings, it is the question of gender differences. Research has found that women tend to give more im­portance to the future of intimate relationships than men do (Oner, 2001). Women think more about whether a romantic relationship will develop into a long-term com­mitted […]