Рубрика: Sexuality Now

Attraction in Different Cultures

Do men and women in every culture look for the same traits? For example, are more males than females looking for physically attractive mates in Nigeria? Is earning potential more important in males than females in China? David Buss (1989b) did an ambitious study comparing the importance of, among other things, physical attractiveness, earning po­tential, […]

Personal Voices

If You Love Something, Set It Free ollowing is a personal account of a love relation­ship between two college students. Meghan and Sebastian decided to take a break from each other to see whether their relationship was really working. Do you think most students would be willing to take a break and put their relationship […]

“You Have Such Beautiful Eyes”

Physical attractiveness has been found to be one of the most importance influences in forming love relationships for both gay and straight men and women (Sangrador & Yela, 2000). Physically attractive people are assumed by others to have more so­cially desirable personalities and to be happier and more successful (Zebrowitz et al., 1998) . As […]


Love relationships can last many years. As time goes by, relationships grow and change, and love grows and changes. Trying to maintain a sense of stability and continuity while still allowing for change and growth is probably the single greatest challenge of long­term love relationships. Attaining intimacy is different from loving. We can love from […]


There is something attractive about young love, which is why it is celebrated so promi­nently in novels and movies. The love relationship seems so important, so earnest, and so passionate at the time, and yet so innocent and bittersweet in retrospect. Why are the dips and rises of our loves so important to us in […]

Evolutionary Theories

Evolutionary theorists try to understand the evolutionary advantages of human behav­iors. Love, they believe, developed as the human form of three basic instincts: the need to be protected from outside threats, the instinct of the parent to protect the child, and the sexual drive. Love is an evolutionary strategy that helps us form the bonds […]