Рубрика: Sexuality Now

Physiological Arousal Theories

How does love feel? Most people describe physiological sensations: “I felt so excited I couldn’t breathe”; “My throat choked up”; “I felt tingling all over.” If you look at those descriptions, couldn’t they also be descriptions of fear, anger, or excitement? Is there a difference between being in love and being on a roller coaster? […]


Why do we love in the first place? What purpose does love serve? After all, most animals mate successfully without experiencing “love.” Researchers’ theories on why we form emotional bonds in the first place can be grouped into four general categories: behavioral reinforcement, cognitive, phys­iological arousal, and evolutionary. Behavioral Reinforcement Theories One group of theories […]

Love Triangles: Robert Sternberg

Robert Sternberg (1998, 1999) suggests that different strategies of loving are really dif­ferent ways of combining the basic building blocks of love. He has proposed that love is made up of three elements—passion, intimacy, and commitment—that can be com­bined in different ways. Sternberg refers to a total absence of all three components as nonlove. Passion […]

What Does Love Have to Do With It?

  n his 1999 best-selling book, Love and Survival: Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy, Dean Ornish discusses the importance of love and intimacy. He points to a variety of research studies that claim that when people open up to each other, talk to each other, and love each other, they become physically […]

Love and Intimacy

Intimate Relationships ■ HUMAN SEXUALITY IN A DIVERSE WORLD Good Looks or a Good Prospect? What Do You Want in a Partner? ■ PERSONAL VOICES In the Men’s Locker Room   ■ SEX IN REAL LIFE What Does Love Have to Do With It? What Is Love? Love in Other Times and Places The Forms […]

It’s Not Mind Reading

Throughout this chapter we have discussed the importance of communication and its role in the development of healthy, satisfy­ing relationships. Good communication skills are an integral part of all healthy rela­tionships, and couples who know how to communicate with each other are happier, more satisfied, and have a better chance of making their relationship last. […]

What Makes a Good Lover?

It would be impossible to list all the qualities that make people good lovers. People look for many different things in a partner, and what makes someone a good lover to you might not make that person a good lover to someone else. Overall, good lovers are sensitive to their partner’s needs and desires, can […]

I Like You, and I Like Myself

Healthy sexuality depends on feeling good about yourself. If you have a poor self-image or do not like certain aspects of your body or personality, how can you demonstrate to a lover why you are attractive? Imagine a man or woman who is overly concerned about his or her body while in bed with a […]