Prenatal development depends on carefully orchestrated developmental stages. At any stage, sex hormone irregularities, genetic abnormalities, or exposure of the fetus to inappropriate maternal hormones can result in atypical sexual differentiation. The result can be a child born with ambiguous genitals or with the external genitals of one sex and the genetic makeup of the […]
Рубрика: Sexuality Now
External Sex Organs
External genitals follow a pattern similar to internal organs, except that male and female genitalia all develop from the same tissue. Male and female organs that began from the same prenatal tissue are called homologous (HOE-mol-lig-gus). Until the 8th week, the undifferentiated tissue from which the genitalia will develop exists as a mound of skin, […]
Sexual Differentiation in the Womb
A human embryo normally undergoes about 9 months of gestation. At about 4 to 6 weeks, the first tissues that will become the embryo’s gonads develop. Sexual differentiation begins a week or two later and is initiated by the sex chromosomes, which control at least four important aspects of sexual development: (1) the internal sexual […]
Human beings have a biological urge to reproduce and so are in some sense “designed” to be sexual beings; any species that does not have good reproductive equipment and a strong desire to use it will not last very long. Simpler organisms, such as amoebas, simply split in two, creating a pair genetically identical to […]
Gender Development, Gender Roles, and Gender Identity
Prenatal Development: X and Y Make the Difference Sexual Differentiation in the Womb Atypical Sexual Differentiation: Not Always Just X and Y Gender Roles and Gender Traits Girls Act Like Girls, Boys Act Like Boys Are Gender Roles Innate? Studying Gender Gender Role Theory Evolutionary Theory: Adapting to Our Environment Social Learning Theory: Learning From […]
Many view America as a country “obsessed with sex.” As we discussed in Chapter 1, sex is used to sell everything from blue jeans to cologne and is oozing from television sitcoms, advertising, music videos, and pop lyrics. However, even with this openness and sex all around us, there is a painful lack of solid […]
Human Sexuality in a Diverse World
Internet-Based Sexuality Research n 2000 it was estimated that two-thirds of Americans used the Internet, and this number continues to grow today (A. C. Nielsen, 2000). It is estimated that the average Internet user in the United States spends 3 hours per day online (Markoff, 2004). The popularity of the Internet has led to an […]
Human Sexuality in a Diverse World
The Pfizer Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors In 2002, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals did the most comprehensive global study of sexuality to date (see the accompanying Human Sexuality in a Diverse World). The Pfizer Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors surveyed over 26,000 men and women in 28 countries. This study was the first […]
U’K Sexuality research across Cultures ‘
Many studies examine sexuality in cultures outside the United States. Some have been general studies that examine knowledge levels and attitudes in different populations; others have evaluated specific areas such as pregnancy, rape, homosexuality, or sex education. Many times these studies are done by researchers in other countries, but some have also been done by […]
How reliable is sex research? Some studies have found that couples who are sexually satisfied tend to overestimate their frequency of sexual behavior, whereas those who are unsatisfied underreport it (James, 1971). In 1967, a study was done to evaluate the reliability of the reporting of sexual activity. Men were required to keep daily logs […]