Рубрика: Sexuality Now

External Sex Organs

External genitals follow a pattern similar to internal organs, except that male and fe­male genitalia all develop from the same tissue. Male and female organs that began from the same prenatal tissue are called homologous (HOE-mol-lig-gus). Until the 8th week, the undifferentiated tissue from which the genitalia will develop exists as a mound of skin, […]

Sexual Differentiation in the Womb

A human embryo normally undergoes about 9 months of gestation. At about 4 to 6 weeks, the first tissues that will become the embryo’s gonads develop. Sexual differenti­ation begins a week or two later and is initiated by the sex chromosomes, which control at least four important aspects of sexual development: (1) the internal sexual […]


Many view America as a country “obsessed with sex.” As we discussed in Chapter 1, sex is used to sell everything from blue jeans to cologne and is oozing from television sitcoms, ad­vertising, music videos, and pop lyrics. However, even with this openness and sex all around us, there is a painful lack of solid […]

Human Sexuality in a Diverse World

Internet-Based Sexuality Research n 2000 it was estimated that two-thirds of Americans used the Internet, and this number con­tinues to grow today (A. C. Nielsen, 2000). It is esti­mated that the average Internet user in the United States spends 3 hours per day online (Markoff, 2004). The popular­ity of the Internet has led to an […]

Human Sexuality in a Diverse World

The Pfizer Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors In 2002, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals did the most comprehensive global study of sexual­ity to date (see the accompanying Human Sexuality in a Diverse World). The Pfizer Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors surveyed over 26,000 men and women in 28 countries. This study was the first […]

U’K Sexuality research across Cultures ‘

Many studies examine sexuality in cultures outside the United States. Some have been general studies that examine knowledge levels and attitudes in different populations; others have evaluated specific areas such as pregnancy, rape, homosexuality, or sex edu­cation. Many times these studies are done by researchers in other countries, but some have also been done by […]


How reliable is sex research? Some studies have found that couples who are sexually sat­isfied tend to overestimate their frequency of sexual behavior, whereas those who are un­satisfied underreport it (James, 1971). In 1967, a study was done to evaluate the relia­bility of the reporting of sexual activity. Men were required to keep daily logs […]