Testicular Torsion

Подпись: testicular torsion The twisting of a testis on its spermatic cord, which can cause severe pain and swelling. Testicular torsion refers to a twisting of a testis on its spermatic cord (see Figure 5.8). Usually it occurs when there is abnormal development of the spermatic cord or the membrane that covers the testicle. It is most common in men from puberty to the age of 25, although it can happen at any age. Testicular torsion can occur after exercise, sexual intercourse, or even while sleeping.

Severe pain and swelling are two of the most common symptoms of testicular tor­sion, although there can also be abdominal pain, tenderness, and aching. A physician must diagnose this condition quickly because the twisted cord can cut off the blood sup­ply to the testicle, and surgery to untwist the cord must be done within 24 hours or else the testicle may be lost.

Figure 5.8

Подпись:Подпись:Testicular torsion can occur after exer­cise, sexual intercourse, or even while sleeping.

Question: If a right-handed man’s penis curves to the right when he gets an erection, does this mean he masturbated too much as a child?

Testicular TorsionNo, although many men worry about this during their adolescent years. The fact is that erect penises are rarely straight or smooth— some curve left or right, and some go up or down upon erection. All of these variations are normal. A man may be able to influence the angle of his erect penis by the way he places his penis in his underwear. Pointing the flac­cid penis up, down, or sideways in one’s underwear can affect the penis’s tendency to point in a certain direction when erect (T. Hamilton, 2002).

Updated: 05.11.2015 — 16:47