Psychological causes for HSD may include a lack of attraction to one’s partner, fear of intimacy and/or pregnancy, marital or relationship conflicts, religious concerns, depression, and other psychological disorders. HSD can also result from negative messages about female sexuality while growing up, treating sex as a chore, a concern over loss of control, or a negative body image (Heiman & LoPiccolo, 1992). Anorexia, sexual coercion, and abuse have all been found to be associated with HSD (J. F. Morgan et al., 1999). In one study of survivors of sexual assault, more than half had long-lasting problems with sexual desire (Becker et al., 1986).
HSD in both men and women may also be due to biological factors such as hormonal problems, medication side effects, and illness. Chronic use of alcohol, marijuana, and/or cocaine have also been implicated in HSD (Abel, 1985).