Рубрика: Sexuality,. Society and. Feminism

Fragmented Components

Perhaps it is inevitable, given this biological framework, that univer­salized physical subsystems would become significant in themselves. Espe­cially in the clinical literature on causes and treatments of sexual dysfunc­tions, sexuality becomes the successful performance of fragments in two different ways. First, there is the definition that having adequate perfor­mance components of desire, arousal, and orgasm […]

Legacy of Animal Sex Research

Laboratory sex research with animals affected sex research methods later used with people in important ways. Carolyn Wood Sherif (1979) described how specialty areas with lower prestige seek to improve their status “by adopting the perspectives, theories, and methodologies as high on the [status] hierarchy as possible” (p. 98). Prevented by public opinion, practical obstacles, […]

Pre-Kinsey Sex Research

Bullough (1994a) describes pre-Kinsey American sex research on peo­ple as taking two forms: “moralistic” research and “fact-finding” research. In the first category he puts proponents as well as opponents of the move-merits for legal, educational, and public health reform who sought infer- mation about sexual practices (especially socially disapproved practices such as contact with prostitutes […]

Favored Methods

Central to the sexological model is an insistence on proper methods. How did they become established? Such questions are not unique to sex research, of course, and the recent work in the social studies of science (e. g., Knorr-Cetina & Mulkay, 1983), including psychology (Morawski, 1989), directs our attention to the role of the culture […]