Рубрика: Sexuality,. Society and. Feminism

Personalities, Attitudes, and Past Experiences

Do acknowledged and unacknowledged victims have different person­alities, attitudes, or background experiences that lead them to label their rape experiences differently? In an extensive investigation of this possibil­ity, Koss (1985) found no differences between acknowledged and unac­knowledged rape victims in dating behaviors, situational aspects of the rape experience, personality, or attitudes about rape. Levine-MacCombie and […]

Possible Causes of Rape Unacknowledgment

The logical positivism approach favors the experimental manipulation and control of variables in order to identify those variables that differen­tiate acknowledged from unacknowledged victims. However, in the study of rape it is not possible to experimentally manipulate variables. Conse­quently, research in this area typically involves surveying women about their attitudes, personalities, past experiences, and the […]


Using nonconsensual sexual intercourse as the definition of rape, re­searchers have discovered that rape, especially acquaintance rape, is a wide­spread phenomenon. The percentage of women who have experienced rape ranges between 12.7 and 25% or higher, depending upon how rape is mea­sured (Aizenman & Kelley, 1988; Kahn, Andreoli Mathie, &. Torgler, 1994; Koss, 1985, 1988, […]


Creating an alternative conceptualization of acquaintance rape is dif­ficult because of the context in which we find ourselves embedded. How­ever, what is needed is a new conceptualization of rape that does not focus on a woman’s consent. As with other criminal acts, the focus should be on the perpetrator’s behavior. A feminist perspective argues that […]

Prevention and Intervention

When acquaintance rape is conceptualized primarily around the issue of consent, prevention efforts also become narrowed to this specific issue. Prevention programs, especially those with college students, often focus on teaching men and women how to clearly negotiate consent and avoid mis- communication. Women are taught which behaviors and situations to avoid because of the […]

Individual Predictors

In research on sexual assault, individuals rather than couples are stud­ied typically. Therefore, individual predictors for sexual assault are identi­fied rather than interpersonal or sociocultural factors. Research on male perpetrators focuses on the rapists personality and behavior (White & Far­mer, 1992). Penile tumescence, a measure used in some research on sexual aggression, may focus our […]