Рубрика: Sexuality,. Society and. Feminism

Social Learning Theory

Although Bandura’s original writings on social learning theory did not address the issue of sexuality (e. g., Bandura, 1977; Bandura & Walters, 1963), Mischel (1966) applied principles of social learning theory to un­derstanding gender roles and gender differences in behavior. According to Mischel, gender differences are shaped by positive re­inforcements for gender-role-consistent behavior, whereas role-inconsistent […]

Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology

Sociobiologists apply evolutionary biology to understanding the causes of human social behavior. The sociobiological approach to human sexuality has been articulated particularly by Symons (1979, 1987; see also Barash, 1977; Buss & Schmitt, 1993). The bottom line in understanding any social behavior, according to sociobiologists, is reproductive success, that is maximizing the number of genes […]


Neoanalytic Theory: Chodorow The neoanalytic theorist Chodorow (1978) sees herself as fusing psy­choanalytic theory, sociological theory, and feminist theory, and views the causes of psychological gender differences as being rooted in the early fam­ily experiences of boys and girls. The core of her argument is that because childcare is done exclusively or mostly by women, […]


There is an interactive link between culture and science, such that the frameworks adopted by science reflect cultural frameworks and the re­sultant findings of science are frequently the basis for bolstering those very frameworks. Four of these interlocking themes pervade the understanding of sexuality: sexual disorders as properties of individuals; sex as an energy system, […]

Basic Definitions

The general principles of natural selection are not inherently sexist and simply stated propose that individuals vary; some variations are more favorable than others; some of this variation is heritable; differential re­productive success may occur; and differing gene frequencies may result. Sociobiology is the study of social behavior as determined by biology, and is essentially […]