Best New Starlet: Naomi ❖Female Performer of the Year: Hillary Scott ❖ Male Performer of the Year: Tommy Gunn ❖Bestselling Title of the
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Year: Pirates
In the Realm Of The Senses (Ai No Corrida, 1976) is a Japanese movie that tells the true story of a couple who get into a bit of bother in 1920s Tokyo, when they lock themselves in a room for a couple of weeks and agree to literally shag themselves to death. One of them anyway, since she is found wandering the streets in a daze, his severed penis in her pocket after a dose of autoerotic asphyxiation. The movie is famous for its real-action sex scenes: the viewer is sitting, watching and thinking, yes, she really does have him in her mouth. For a relatively mainstream film, it remains controversial. But it isn’t a hardcore porn film. There’s a scene with a boiled egg too.
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‘Drinking when we are not thirsty and making love all year round;
that is all there is to distinguish us from other animals.’
Beaumarchais, Le Manage de Figaro, 1785
‘If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many
books on how to do it?’ Bette Midler
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Aphallatosis — mental disorder resulting from sexual frustration ♦ BB —
bareback, sex without a condom ♦ Canadian bacon — uncircumcized penis ♦
Decorators are in, the — having a period ♦ Eddie Grundies — British slang for
underpants ♦ Fox hunter — promiscuous heterosexual man ♦ Gametophobia —
fear of marriage ♦ Hairy saddlebag — the scrotum ♦ Idiogamist — person who
is only sexually responsive to their spouse ♦ Jo-bag — a condom
♦ Kettledrums — breasts ♦ Lagnesis — excessive sexual desire ♦ Mackerel — old-fashioned slang for a pimp ♦ Nameless, the — reference to the vagina in Victorian times ♦ ОАО — one and only (or on-and-off) sweetheart ♦ Passion flaps — the labia ♦ Quack — an ugly girl or boy, as well as a short, sharp fart
♦ RR1 — Rural Route 1, US code for sex with a prostitute ♦ Skeeza — woman who swops sex for cocaine ♦ Take the fatal leap — propose marriage ♦
Uteromania — insatiable female desire ♦ VD — venereal disease ♦ Women in
comfortable shoes — lesbians ♦ Xenophilia — attraction to strangers
♦ Yoni — the vagina or vulva ♦ Zipless fuck — sex without involvement