Подпись: The knowledge A recent survey by the Family Planning Association in the UK has shown people are ignorant on the subject of sex, with a third thinking that a shower, exercise or going to the toilet can prevent pregnancy.

* It’s unclear whether James Miranda Barry (1795-1865) was the world’s first female doctor or not. During Barry’s lifetime, he (or she) lived as a man, but after Barry’s death pregnancy scars were apparently discovered on her (or his) body. * The Chevalier d’Eon lived the first half of his life as a man and the second as a woman. Anatomically, he was male. * George Sand, the female French novelist, habitually wore male clothing. * Lord Cornbury (1661-1723), the governor of New Jersey and New York, is said to have received visitors on the Queen’s birthday dressed as the Queen herself, which raised an eyebrow or two. * In 1933, Maurice Wilson announced that he planned to crash-land a plane on the slopes of Everest before walking to the summit and planting a silken Union Jack. He was found dead on the slopes the following year. Curiously, there are rumours that when Wilson was discovered he was wearing women’s underwear and had items of women’s clothing in his baggage. In 1960 a woman’s shoe was found at 21,000 feet on Everest, further fuelling speculation that, when Wilson set out to conquer Everest, he did so as a woman.

‘As a child I was taken to the pantomime or the theatre and I would
always, always fall in love with somebody on the stage. And want
to have sex with them.’ Ewan McGregor
‘Your perception is your reality.
Experts say the brain is the biggest sex organ.’
Melinda Hemmelgarn, dietician and broadcaster

Updated: 02.11.2015 — 11:26